已解决:Perl: XML::LibXML 不解析此 XML 文档

solved: Perl: XML::LibXML does not parse this XML document

我(新手警报)在解析 XML 文档中的信息时遇到问题。我有一个设备 (called OW-SERVER),它从 1wire 传感器网络读取传感器值并在 XML 文档中提供读数。 XML 通常如下所示:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Devices-Detail-Response xmlns="http://www.embeddeddatasystems.com/schema/owserver" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
<DateTime>2020-10-24 19:27:08</DateTime>
<owd_DS18B20 Description="Programmable resolution thermometer">
<PrimaryValue>0.0000 Deg C</PrimaryValue>
<Temperature Units="Centigrade">0.0000</Temperature>
<UserByte1 Writable="True">0</UserByte1>
<UserByte2 Writable="True">0</UserByte2>
<owd_DS18B20 Description="Programmable resolution thermometer">
<PrimaryValue>0.0000 Deg C</PrimaryValue>
<Temperature Units="Centigrade">0.0000</Temperature>
<UserByte1 Writable="True">0</UserByte1>
<UserByte2 Writable="True">0</UserByte2>
<owd_DS18B20 Description="Programmable resolution thermometer">
<PrimaryValue>0.0000 Deg C</PrimaryValue>
<Temperature Units="Centigrade">0.0000</Temperature>
<UserByte1 Writable="True">0</UserByte1>
<UserByte2 Writable="True">0</UserByte2>
<owd_DS18B20 Description="Programmable resolution thermometer">
<PrimaryValue>0.0000 Deg C</PrimaryValue>
<Temperature Units="Centigrade">0.0000</Temperature>
<UserByte1 Writable="True">0</UserByte1>
<UserByte2 Writable="True">0</UserByte2>
<owd_DS2423 Description="RAM with counters">
<PrimaryValue>0, 0</PrimaryValue>
<owd_DS2423 Description="RAM with counters">
<PrimaryValue>0, 0</PrimaryValue>
<owd_DS2423 Description="RAM with counters">
<PrimaryValue>0, 0</PrimaryValue>
<owd_DS2423 Description="RAM with counters">
<PrimaryValue>0, 0</PrimaryValue>
<owd_DS18B20 Description="Programmable resolution thermometer">
<PrimaryValue>21.4375 Deg C</PrimaryValue>
<Temperature Units="Centigrade">21.4375</Temperature>
<UserByte1 Writable="True">75</UserByte1>
<UserByte2 Writable="True">70</UserByte2>

我想使用 XML::LibXML 来读取每个传感器的值。但是,以下 perl 脚本没有成功:


use warnings;
use strict;
use autodie;
use feature 'say';
use XML::LibXML;

my $file = 'doc.xml';

my $dom = eval {
    XML::LibXML->load_xml(location => $file);
if($@) {
    # Log failure and exit
    say "Error parsing $url";
    say "$@";
    say 'I will exit now.';
    exit 0;

say 'XML::LibXML has read the following:';
say $dom;

say '';
say 'Looking for Sensors:';
foreach my $sensor ($dom->findnodes('//owd_DS18B20')) {
    say 'found one!';
    say $sensor->to_literal();

如有任何帮助,我们将不胜感激。 丹尼尔


来自 findnodesXML::LibXML::Node 文档:

A common mistake about XPath is to assume that node tests consisting of an element name with no prefix match elements in the default namespace. This assumption is wrong - by XPath specification, such node tests can only match elements that are in no (i.e. null) namespace.

命名空间,尤其是默认命名空间,如果不做一些工作,XPath 就不能很好地发挥作用。

使用XML::LibXML::XPathContext 并为命名空间分配名称是建议的方法之一。像这样:

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use warnings;
use strict;
use autodie;
use feature 'say';
use XML::LibXML;
use XML::LibXML::XPathContext;

my $file = 'doc.xml';

my $dom = eval {
    XML::LibXML->load_xml(location => $file);
if($@) {
    # Log failure and exit
    say "Error parsing $file";
    say "$@";
    say 'I will exit now.';
    exit 0;

say 'XML::LibXML has read the following:';
say $dom;

say '';
say 'Looking for Sensors:';
my $xpath = XML::LibXML::XPathContext->new($dom);
$xpath->registerNs("ow", "http://www.embeddeddatasystems.com/schema/owserver");
foreach my $sensor ($xpath->findnodes('//ow:owd_DS18B20')) {
    say 'found one!';
    say $sensor->to_literal();