如何正确地将水平 RecyclerView 中的第一个和最后一个项目居中

How can I properly center the first and last items in a horizontal RecyclerView

Whosebug 包含很多这样的问题,但到目前为止绝对没有 100% 有效的解决方案。


Android Centering Item in RecyclerView

How to make recycler view start adding items from center?

How to snap to particular position of LinearSnapHelper in horizontal RecyclerView?



    recyclerView.addItemDecoration(new RecyclerView.ItemDecoration() {
        public void getItemOffsets(
            @NonNull Rect outRect,
            @NonNull View view,
            @NonNull RecyclerView parent,
            @NonNull RecyclerView.State state
        ) {

            super.getItemOffsets(outRect, view, parent, state);

            final int count = state.getItemCount();
            final int position = parent.getChildAdapterPosition(view);

            if (position == 0 || position == count - 1) {

                int offset = (int) (parent.getWidth() * 0.5f - view.getWidth() * 0.5f);

                if (position == 0) {
                    setupOutRect(outRect, offset, true);
                } else if (position == count - 1) {
                    setupOutRect(outRect, offset, false);



        private void setupOutRect(Rect rect, int offset, boolean start) {
            if (start) {
                rect.left = offset;
            } else {
                rect.right = offset;




我也尝试使用 addOnGlobalLayoutListener 技巧,但是当它被调用并且宽度正确时,outRect 已经被消耗,所以它丢失了。

我不想设置任何固定大小,因为 RecyclerView 中的项目可以有不同的大小,因此不能提前设置其填充。



理想情况下,ItemDecorator 方法看起来是最好的,但对于第一项,它立即表现平平。

据我了解,您希望第一个和最后一个项目位于 recyclerview 的中心。如果是这样,我会推荐一个更简单的解决方法。

public class OverlaysAdapter extends RecyclerView.Adapter<OverlaysAdapter2.CategoryViewHolder> {

private int fullWidth;//gets the recyclerview full width in constructor. In my case it is full display width.

public CategoryViewHolder onCreateViewHolder(ViewGroup parent, int viewType) {
    FrameLayout fr = (FrameLayout) inflater.inflate(R.layout.item_sticker, parent, false);
    if (viewType==TYPE_LEFT_ITEM) {
        int marginLeft = (fullWidth-leftItemWidth)/2;
        ((RecyclerView.LayoutParams)fr.getLayoutParams()).setMargins(marginLeft, 0,0,0);
    } else if (viewType==TYPE_RIGHT_ITEM) {
        int marginRight = (fullWidth-rightItemWidth)/2;
        ((RecyclerView.LayoutParams)fr.getLayoutParams()).setMargins(0, 0,marginRight,0);
    } else if (viewType==TYPE_MIDDLE_ITEM) {
        ((RecyclerView.LayoutParams)fr.getLayoutParams()).setMargins(0, 0,0,0);
    return new CategoryViewHolder(fr);

private final int TYPE_LEFT_ITEM = 1;
private final int TYPE_MIDDLE_ITEM = 2;
private final int TYPE_RIGHT_ITEM = 3;

public int getItemViewType(int position) {
    if (position==0)
        return TYPE_RIGHT_ITEM;
    else if (position==items.size()-1)
        return TYPE_LEFT_ITEM;
        return TYPE_MIDDLE_ITEM;



请注意,在我的示例中,左边距用于最后一项,右边距用于第一项,因为布局始终为 RTL。您可能需要使用相反的顺序。

您也可以更改 RecyclerView 本身的填充以获得此效果(只要禁用 clipToPadding)。我们可以在 LayoutManager 中拦截第一个布局阶段,这样即使在第一次布局项目时它也可以使用更新的填充:


open class CenterLinearLayoutManager : LinearLayoutManager {
    constructor(context: Context) : super(context)
    constructor(context: Context, orientation: Int, reverseLayout: Boolean) : super(context, orientation, reverseLayout)
    constructor(context: Context, attrs: AttributeSet, defStyleAttr: Int, defStyleRes: Int) : super(context, attrs, defStyleAttr, defStyleRes)

    private lateinit var recyclerView: RecyclerView

    override fun onLayoutChildren(recycler: RecyclerView.Recycler, state: RecyclerView.State) {
        // always measure first item, its size determines starting offset
        // this must be done before super.onLayoutChildren
        if (childCount == 0 && state.itemCount > 0) {
            val firstChild = recycler.getViewForPosition(0)
            measureChildWithMargins(firstChild, 0, 0)
        super.onLayoutChildren(recycler, state)

    override fun measureChildWithMargins(child: View, widthUsed: Int, heightUsed: Int) {
        val lp = (child.layoutParams as RecyclerView.LayoutParams).absoluteAdapterPosition
        super.measureChildWithMargins(child, widthUsed, heightUsed)
        if (lp != 0 && lp != itemCount - 1) return
        // after determining first and/or last items size use it to alter host padding
        when (orientation) {
            HORIZONTAL -> {
                val hPadding = ((width - child.measuredWidth) / 2).coerceAtLeast(0)
                if (!reverseLayout) {
                    if (lp == 0) recyclerView.updatePaddingRelative(start = hPadding)
                    if (lp == itemCount - 1) recyclerView.updatePaddingRelative(end = hPadding)
                } else {
                    if (lp == 0) recyclerView.updatePaddingRelative(end = hPadding)
                    if (lp == itemCount - 1) recyclerView.updatePaddingRelative(start = hPadding)
            VERTICAL -> {
                val vPadding = ((height - child.measuredHeight) / 2).coerceAtLeast(0)
                if (!reverseLayout) {
                    if (lp == 0) recyclerView.updatePaddingRelative(top = vPadding)
                    if (lp == itemCount - 1) recyclerView.updatePaddingRelative(bottom = vPadding)
                } else {
                    if (lp == 0) recyclerView.updatePaddingRelative(bottom = vPadding)
                    if (lp == itemCount - 1) recyclerView.updatePaddingRelative(top = vPadding)

    // capture host recyclerview
    override fun onAttachedToWindow(view: RecyclerView) {
        recyclerView = view

然后将其用于您的 RecyclerView:

recyclerView.layoutManager = CenterLinearLayoutManager(this, LinearLayoutManager.HORIZONTAL, false)
recyclerView.clipToPadding = false // disabling clip to padding is critical

我一直在使用 CenterLinearLayoutManager,到目前为止它几乎完美运行。我说几乎,不是因为它不能立即正常工作,而是因为我最终在使用上述布局管理器的 RecyclerView 中使用了 LinearSnapHelper

因为 snap 助手依赖于知道 RecyclerView 填充来计算它的正确中心,所以只为第一个项目设置填充会抛出这个过程,导致第一个项目(和后续项目直到最后一个实际上显示)从中心偏移。



if (!reverseLayout) {
    if (lp == 0) recyclerView.updatePaddingRelative(start = hPadding)
    if (lp == itemCount - 1) recyclerView.updatePaddingRelative(end = hPadding)
  } else {
    if (lp == 0) recyclerView.updatePaddingRelative(end = hPadding)
    if (lp == itemCount - 1) recyclerView.updatePaddingRelative(start = hPadding)


if (!reverseLayout) {
    if (lp == 0) recyclerView.updatePaddingRelative(start = hPadding, end = hPadding) // here we set the same padding for both sides
    if (lp == itemCount - 1) recyclerView.updatePaddingRelative(end = hPadding)
   } else {
    if (lp == 0) recyclerView.updatePaddingRelative(end = hPadding, start = hPadding) // here we set the same padding for both sides
    if (lp == itemCount - 1) recyclerView.updatePaddingRelative(start = hPadding)



if (lp == 0) recyclerView.updatePaddingRelative(start = hPadding, end = hPadding) // here we set the same padding for both sides
if (lp == itemCount - 1) {
   if (!reverseLayout) recyclerView.updatePaddingRelative(end = hPadding)
   if (reverseLayout) recyclerView.updatePaddingRelative(start = hPadding)



recyclerView.updatePaddingRelative(start = hPadding, end = hPadding)

字面上就是这样,没有像上一个示例那样的 ifs。
