Postgresql 更新查询每次都需要很长时间才能完成

Postgresql update query taking too long to complete every time

我的 PostgreSQL 数据库 table user_book_details 有 451007 条记录。 user_book_details table 每天都有大约 1K 条新记录。

我有以下查询,每次都需要很长时间(13 小时)才能完成。

    update user_book_details as A1 set min_date=
    (select min(A2.acc_date) as min_date from user_book_details A2 where A2.user_id=A1.user_id 
     and A2.book_id=A1.book_id) where A1.min_date is null;

如何重写查询以提高性能? 仅供参考,user_id 和 book_id 列没有索引。


update user_book_details ubd
    set min_date = (select min(ubd2.acc_date) 
                    from user_book_details ubd2
                    where ubd2.user_id = ubd.user_id and
                          ubd2.book_id = ubd.book_id
   where ubd.min_date is null;

为了性能,您需要 user_book_details(user_id, book_id) 上的索引。我也觉得这样写会更快:

update user_book_details ubd
    set min_date = min_acc_date
    from (select ubd2.user_id, ubd2.book_id, min(ubd2.acc_date) as min_acc_date
          from user_book_details ubd2
          group by ubd2.user_id, ubd2.book_id
         ) ubd2
    where ubd2.user_id = ubd.user_id and
          ubd2.book_id = ubd.book_id and
          ubd.min_date is null;



select ubd.*,
       min(acc_date) over (partition by user_id, book_id) as min_acc_date
from user_book_details ubd;

这可能比尝试在 table 中保持最新更可取。