
Palindrome Sentence or word

Tom is asked to code the logic to find if a given sentence or a word is a palindrome or not. Help him to code this logic in Python. Remember to do a case insensitive check. Refer the sample input and output statements for more clarifications.

Sample Input 1: Enter the word : Madam

Sample Output 1: Yes, the string is a palindrome !

Sample Input 2: Enter the word : Python

Sample Output 2: No, the string is not a palindrome !

Sample Input 3: Enter the word : Was it a rat I saw

Sample Output 3: Yes, the string is a palindrome !


t1 = input('Enter the word : ').lower() 
if( t1==t1[::-1])
   print('Yes, the string is a palindrome !')
   print('No, the string is not a palindrome !')


您应该忽略不是字母的字符(如空格),因此您可以filter them out然后进行检查:

t1 = input("Enter the word: ").lower()
# filter out non-letters
t1 = "".join(x for x in t1 if x.isalpha())
if t1 == t1[::-1]:
    print("It is a palindrome")
    print("It is not a palindrome")


t1 = input().lower().replace(' ', '')

t1 = ''.join(input().lower().split())


def isPalindrome(word):
    word = word.lower().replace(" ", "")
    start, end = 0, len(word)-1
    while start < end and word[start] == word[end]:
        start += 1
        end -= 1
    return start >= end