c# Linq 如何使用 if 条件编写 Inner Join

c# Linq How to write Innter Join using if condition

这里我有两个 Tables Like 员工

Id  IsAccepected(bool)   AccepectedBy  EmpId
1        0                  0            E1-1
2        1                  2            E1-2
3        1                  1            C1-1


Id name
1  John
2  Mick
3  smith

这是我的问题,如果 IsAccepected==True 那么我需要从登录中获取已接受的记录 Table

    var x=(from n i in _db.EMployee
WHERE n.Empid='E1-1'
           select n).Tolist();
    foreach(var item in x){

但我不需要所有这些是否可以在 Linq 中编写此条件


var x = from e in _db.Employee join l in _db.Login on e.AcceptedBy equals l.ID where e.Accepted == true select l;

我猜你需要这个 sql 查询需要在 linq 中对吗?

select b1.*,isnull((select 1 from A as a1 where a1.AccepectedBy=b1.Id and a1.EmpId='E1-2'),0) as isaccepted from B as b1


select Login.name,Employee.EmpId from Employee left join Login on Employee.AccepectedBy=Login.Id where Employee.[IsAccepected(bool)]=1