对空 OData 导航的 GET 请求的正确响应是什么 属性

What is the correct response for a GET request to anempty OData Navigation property

比如说,对于下面定义的这样一个实体,GET“serviceRoot/entity(1)/nav”的正确响应是什么?假设 ID 为 1 的实体具有有效值,但其存储的 'nav' 引用键为空。

<EntityType Name="entityType">
        <PropertyRef Name="id"/>
    <Property Name="id" Nullable="false" Type="Edm.Integer"/>
    <Property Name="name" Nullable="false" Type="Edm.String"/>
    <NavigationProperty Name="nav" Nullable="true" Type="this.navType"/>

<EntityType Name="navType">
        <PropertyRef Name="navId"/>
    <Property Name="navId" Nullable="false" Type="Edm.Integer"/>
    <Property Name="name" Nullable="false" Type="Edm.String"/>

<EntityContainer Name="Container">
    <EntitySet EntityType="navType" Name="navSet"/>
    <EntitySet EntityType="entityType" Name="entity">
        <NavigationPropertyBinding Path="nav" Target="this.navSet"/>

204 No Content 是根据 OData v4 规范的正确响应。

If the relationship terminates on a single entity, the response MUST be the format-specific representation of the related single entity. If no entity is related, the service returns 204 No Content.

来源:Requesting Related Entities
