Python 使用 psycopg2 连接到 PostgreSQL - 为什么需要关闭并重新打开连接才能使后续代码正常工作?

Python connections to PostgreSQL using psycopg2 - Why need to close & re-open connection for ensuing code to work?



import psycopg2             # PostgreSQL module - need to install.  See

lcConnectionString = "...obfuscated..."

loConnection = psycopg2.connect(lcConnectionString)
print(f"loConnection after '.connect()' is: {loConnection}")

loCursor = loConnection.cursor()
print(f"loCursor is {loCursor}")

    loCursor.execute("drop table TmpJobs")
    print("Dropped TmpJobs table")
except Exception as exc:
    print("Did not need to drop TmpJobs table table")

    loCursor.execute("drop table TmpSubset")
    print("Dropped TmpSubset table")
except Exception as exc:
    print("Did not need to drop TmpSubset table")

print(f"loConnection after 'exceptions' is: {loConnection}")
print(f"loCursor after 'exceptions' is {loCursor}")

# The rest of the program runs fine if close and reopen the connection. But crashes if don't.
llCloseAndReopen = False            # Testing: True / False
if llCloseAndReopen:
   print(f"loConnection after '.close()' is: {loConnection}")
   loConnection = loCursor = None
   loConnection = psycopg2.connect(lcConnectionString)
   print(f"loConnection after 're-connect' is: {loConnection}")

print("\n-----------------------------------------\nSelecting from Jobs into subset result...")
loCursor2 = loConnection.cursor()
print(f"loCursor2 (just created): {loCursor2}")

loCursor2.execute(f"create temporary table TmpSubset as select * from Jobs where RowID % 100 = 0")

loCursor2.execute(f"select * from TmpSubset")
loResult = loCursor2.fetchall() 
print(f"{len(loCursor2.description)} columns in Subset result")
lnRowCount = 0
for Row in loResult:
    lnRowCount += 1
    print(f"{lnRowCount}: {Row[0]}, {Row[1]}, {Row[2]}, {Row[3]}")
print(f"{lnRowCount} rows in Subset result")


loCursor2.execute(f"create temporary table TmpSubset as select * from Jobs where RowID % 100 = 0")

根据要求于 11 月 19 日添加: 这是 Visual Studio 2019“输出”window 的最后一部分,显示了最后的打印语句、异常消息和堆栈跟踪:

Did not need to drop TmpSubset table
loConnection after 'exceptions' is: <connection object at 0x0579D878; dsn: 'user= ...obfuscated... host=localhost', closed: 0>
loCursor after 'exceptions' is <cursor object at 0x04815028; closed: 0>

Selecting from Jobs into subset result...
loCursor2 (just created): <cursor object at 0x047B2F28; closed: 0>
current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block

Stack trace:
 >  File "J:\Python\Applications\SpeedTest\", line 49, in <module>
 >    loCursor2.execute(f"create temporary table TmpSubset as select * from Jobs where RowID % 100 = 0")

为什么 Python / psycopg2 无法在 'excepts' 触发后在原始连接上使用新游标 (loCursor2)? 有什么想法吗?


sycopg2.errors.InFailedSqlTransaction: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block

