如何对日期相关的 Symfony 命令进行 Behat 测试?
How to Behat test for date dependent Symfony command?
我 运行 一个适用于上个月交易的 CLI Symfony 命令。这是 CLI——我不能只模拟系统时钟,那么我该如何用 Behat 测试它呢?现在是 11 月,以下情况将在 12 月失败:
Scenario: Do something with last month transactions
Given there is a transaction "7ccf7387" for 2020-10
And there is a transaction "39d7f278" for 2020-10
When I execute "bin/console billing:last-month" from project root
Then command should succeed
And output should contain "Closed 2 transactions"
final class CloseLastMonth extends Command
/* ... */
protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int
$month = (GregorianCalendar::UTC())->currentMonth()->previous();
$trxs = $this->bus->dispatch(new GetActiveTrxsByMonthQuery($month));
foreach ($trxs as $trx) {
$this->bus->dispatch(new CloseTransactionCommand($trx->id));
$this->io->success(sprintf('Closed %d transactions', count($trxs)));
return 0;
/* ... */
我可以强制用户始终在命令参数中传递当前月份,但这并不优雅。始终 returns 当前月份的新 Symfony 服务有点矫枉过正。
更好write your own step definition:
* @Given /^There is a transaction "([^"]*)" for last month$/
public function thereIsATransaction(string $transactionId) {}
Given there is a transaction "7ccf7387" for last month
And there is a transaction "39d7f278" for last month
我 运行 一个适用于上个月交易的 CLI Symfony 命令。这是 CLI——我不能只模拟系统时钟,那么我该如何用 Behat 测试它呢?现在是 11 月,以下情况将在 12 月失败:
Scenario: Do something with last month transactions
Given there is a transaction "7ccf7387" for 2020-10
And there is a transaction "39d7f278" for 2020-10
When I execute "bin/console billing:last-month" from project root
Then command should succeed
And output should contain "Closed 2 transactions"
final class CloseLastMonth extends Command
/* ... */
protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int
$month = (GregorianCalendar::UTC())->currentMonth()->previous();
$trxs = $this->bus->dispatch(new GetActiveTrxsByMonthQuery($month));
foreach ($trxs as $trx) {
$this->bus->dispatch(new CloseTransactionCommand($trx->id));
$this->io->success(sprintf('Closed %d transactions', count($trxs)));
return 0;
/* ... */
我可以强制用户始终在命令参数中传递当前月份,但这并不优雅。始终 returns 当前月份的新 Symfony 服务有点矫枉过正。
更好write your own step definition:
* @Given /^There is a transaction "([^"]*)" for last month$/
public function thereIsATransaction(string $transactionId) {}
Given there is a transaction "7ccf7387" for last month
And there is a transaction "39d7f278" for last month