
How to get the role from the current user?

我正在尝试使用 JWT 实现 AuthN/AuthZ,如下所示:

class MainVerticle : CoroutineVerticle() {

  private suspend fun initConfig(): JsonObject {
    val yamlConfigOpts = ConfigStoreOptions()
      .setConfig(JsonObject().put("path", "config.yaml"))

    val configRetrieverOpts = ConfigRetrieverOptions()

    val configRetriever = ConfigRetriever.create(vertx, configRetrieverOpts)

    return configRetriever.config.await()

  private suspend fun createJwtAuth(client: WebClient, config: JsonObject): JWTAuth? {

    val issuer = config.getJsonObject("jwt").getString("issuer")

    // derive JWKS uri from Keycloak issuer URI
    val jwksUri = URI.create("${issuer}/protocol/openid-connect/certs")

    // The exception will be caught above
    val res = client.get(jwksUri.host, jwksUri.path).send().await()

    return res.bodyAsJsonObject()?.let {
      val keys = it.getJsonArray("keys")

      val jwtOpt = JWTOptions()
      jwtOpt.issuer = issuer

      // configure JWTAuth
      val jwtAuthOptions = JWTAuthOptions()

      jwtAuthOptions.jwks = (keys.list as List<Map<String, *>>)
        .map { json -> JsonObject(json) }
        .map { json -> json.put("permissionsClaimKey", "realm_access/roles") }
      jwtAuthOptions.jwtOptions = jwtOpt

      JWTAuth.create(vertx, jwtAuthOptions)
    } ?: throw AuthenticationException("Can not receive the token")


  private fun createRoutes(router: Router, jwtAuth: JWTAuth): Unit {


    router.route("/api/greet").handler {

      val token = it.request().getHeader(HttpHeaders.AUTHORIZATION).substring("Bearer ".length)

      jwtAuth.authenticate(JsonObject().put("jwt", token))
        .onSuccess { user ->
          val res = it.response()
          res.putHeader("content-type", "text/plain")

          // Write to the response and end it
          res.end("I am interests path")
        .onFailure { err -> it.response().setStatusCode(403).end(err.message) }



  private suspend fun server(router: Router): HttpServer {
    val server = vertx.createHttpServer()

    return server.requestHandler(router)
      .onSuccess {
        println("HTTP server started on port ${it.actualPort()}")
      .onFailure {
        println("Failed to start the server. Reason ${it.message}")

  override suspend fun start() {

    val config = initConfig()
    val webClient = WebClient.create(vertx)
    val router = Router.router(vertx)

    createJwtAuth(webClient, config)?.let {
      createRoutes(router, it)


/api/greet 路由处理程序中,我想读出用户的声明,例如角色或名称。但不幸的是,这就是我所拥有的:


我使用 Keycloak 作为身份提供者和 Vertx 版本 4.0.0.CR1


我改成OAuth2 auth provider,调整代码如下:

class MainVerticle : CoroutineVerticle() {

  private suspend fun createJwtAuth(): OAuth2Auth =


  private fun createRoutes(router: Router, auth: OAuth2Auth): Unit {

    val oauth2 = OAuth2AuthHandler.create(vertx, auth)


    router.route("/api/greet").handler {


      val res = it.response()
      res.putHeader("content-type", "text/plain")

      // Write to the response and end it
      res.end("I am interests path")



  private suspend fun server(router: Router): HttpServer {
    val server = vertx.createHttpServer()

    return server.requestHandler(router)
      .onSuccess {
        println("HTTP server started on port ${it.actualPort()}")
      .onFailure {
        println("Failed to start the server. Reason ${it.message}")

  override suspend fun start() {

    val router = Router.router(vertx)

    createRoutes(router, createJwtAuth())




打印 null 而不是用户名。我做错了什么?

由于您使用的是当前最新版本,让我稍微解释一下新 API 中的变化。在 4.0.0 中,我们拆分了 authnauthz,因此在您的示例中,您已经正确地执行了 authn 并获得了一个 User 对象实例。

现在你想提取权限,因为你正在做 JWTAuth 你正在走“低”级路径,而如果你要使用 OAuth2Auth 有些事情就不会必要的(例如加载密钥等...)。

现在您有了一个用户对象,您还需要一个 authz 提取对象。为此,我将以 java API 为例,但在 Kotlin 中它应该非常相似:

// First create a JWTAuthorization object
  .onSuccess(success -> {
    // The authorizations have been successfully extracted from the user
    // Now you can perform any kind of checks

    if (PermissionBasedAuthorization.create("write").match(user)) {
      // ... User is allowed to write...

因此,权限是从您传递给提取器的 claimKey 下的 attributes 中提取的。简而言之,attributes 是由框架生成的和/或 decoded/validated 数据,而 principal 是为创建用户而提供的源数据。区别很重要,因为现在用户对象可用于服务器验证和客户端请求。
