在 laravel 中有 if 条件

Having if condition in laravel

这是我在 php 中的条件,我正在尝试将其转换为 laravel

      if ($DriverDetail['IsActive']=='1') 
        <span class='account-active'></span>
         <span class='account-blocked'></span>


{{ $DriverDetail['IsActive'] }}

并在 {{}}

中连接 <span class='account-blocked'></span>

但这是获得 laravel 条件的最佳方式,它相当于我的 php 代码


<span class='{{ $DriverDetail['IsActive'] ? 'account-active' : 'account-blocked' }}'></span>


{{ $DriverDetail['IsActive'] ? "<span class='account-active'></span>" : "<span class='account-blocked'></span>" }}

这是使用三元运算符(文档 here). Basically, any value that evaluates to a boolean true will output the first expression (after the '?'), otherwise it outputs the second expression (after the ':'). In this case, the string '1', or even the number 1, evaluates to a boolean true, so the ternary operator will evaluate to the "true" expression ('account-active'). Implicit boolean conversions are covered in the docs here


 @if (count($records) === 1)
    I have one record!
@elseif (count($records) > 1)
    I have multiple records!
    I don't have any records!

使用 blade 模板系统,一个明确的方法是:

@if ($DriverDetail['IsActive'])
  <span class='account-active'></span>
  <span class='account-blocked'></span>