如何在 flutter 中使用 flutter_blue 接收数据

how to recieve data using flutter_blue in flutter

实际上我很困惑如何使用 flutter_blue 包接收数据,我可以发送数据但无法接收,这是我一直在使用的示例:

  startScan() {
    setState(() {
      connectionText = "Start Scanning";

    scanSubScription = flutterBlue.scan().listen((scanResult) {
      if (scanResult.device.name == TARGET_DEVICE_NAME) {
        print('DEVICE found');
        setState(() {
          connectionText = "Found Target Device";

        targetDevice = scanResult.device;
    }, onDone: () => stopScan());

  stopScan() {
    scanSubScription = null;

  connectToDevice() async {
    if (targetDevice == null) return;

    setState(() {
      connectionText = "Device Connecting";

    await targetDevice.connect();
    print('DEVICE CONNECTED');
    setState(() {
      connectionText = "Device Connected";


  disconnectFromDevice() {
    if (targetDevice == null) {}


    setState(() {
      connectionText = "Device Disconnected";

  discoverServices() async {
    if (targetDevice == null) return;

    List<BluetoothService> services = await targetDevice.discoverServices();
    services.forEach((service) {
      // do something with service
      if (service.uuid.toString() == SERVICE_UUID) {
        service.characteristics.forEach((characteristic) {
          if (characteristic.uuid.toString() == CHARACTERISTIC_UUID) {
            targetCharacteristic = characteristic;
            // writeData("A 300 300 300");
            setState(() {
              connectionText = "All Ready with ${targetDevice.name}";
  writeDataAndWaitForRespond() async {
    writeData("A 300 300 300");
    List<BluetoothService> services = await targetDevice.discoverServices();
    print("////////////////We're here, listening to Hive...");
    // isDeviceTurnedOn = true;
    services.forEach((service) async {
      Future.delayed(const Duration(milliseconds: 500), () async {
        print("Entered the loop...");
        var characteristics = service.characteristics;
        for (BluetoothCharacteristic c in characteristics) {
          List<int> value = await c.read();
          String stringValue = new String.fromCharCodes(value);
          print("The recieved Characteristic Value is $stringValue and $value");
          print("Entered the second loop...");
          var descriptors = c.descriptors;
          print("The descriptors value is equal to: $descriptors");
          for (BluetoothDescriptor d in descriptors) {
            List<int> value = await d.read();
            print("Entered the third loop...");
            String stringValue = new String.fromCharCodes(value);
            print("The recieved Value is $stringValue and $value");

  writeData(String data) {
    if (targetCharacteristic == null) return;

    List<int> bytes = utf8.encode(data);

我完全糊涂了,我如何使用 flutter_blue 从我的 ESP32 设备接收数据,ESP32 工作正常,我已经使用“BLE 扫描”对其进行了测试,据我所知writeDataAndWaitForRespond 函数应该完成工作,但它没有,甚至不会进入以下循环:

          for (BluetoothDescriptor d in descriptors) {
            List<int> value = await d.read();
            print("Entered the third loop...");
            String stringValue = new String.fromCharCodes(value);
            print("The recieved Value is $stringValue and $value");



  writeData(String data) {
    if (targetCharacteristic == null) return;

    List<int> bytes = utf8.encode(data);


  Future<List<int>> readData() async {
        if (targetCharacteristic == null) return;
        return await targetCharacteristic.read();

这对我有用 为所有人共享代码。

(widget.readValues[characteristic.uuid]==null) ?
                    Text('Value: widget.readValues[characteristic.uuid].toString()):
                    Text('Value: ' +  String.fromCharCodes(widget.readValues[characteristic.uuid]))