具有 3 个表和 "no matching unique or primary key for this column" 的简单数据库

Simple database with 3 tables and "no matching unique or primary key for this column"

我有三个 table,其中两个是独立创建的,第三个是为了包含前两个的一些输入而创建的。前两个 table 没有问题,但是,当我尝试创建第三个时,出现错误:

Error report -
ORA-02270: no matching unique or primary key for this column-list
02270. 00000 -  "no matching unique or primary key for this column-list"
*Cause:    A REFERENCES clause in a CREATE/ALTER TABLE statement
           gives a column-list for which there is no matching unique or primary
           key constraint in the referenced table.
*Action:   Find the correct column names using the ALL_CONS_COLUMNS
           catalog view

问题是,我在前两个 table 的 copy/pasting 列 names/definitions 中创建了第三个 table,但我仍然得到这个荒谬的错误信息。现在我想知道列的顺序,尤其是约束的顺序是否重要。


  1. comm_Customers
CREATE TABLE comm_Customers (
    custID NUMBER(6) NOT NULL,
    FirstName VARCHAR2(10) NOT NULL,
    LastName VARCHAR2(15) NOT NULL,
    HomeCountry VARCHAR2(2) NOT NULL,
    HomeState_Prov VARCHAR2(2) NOT NULL,
    HomeCity VARCHAR2(20) NOT NULL,
    HomeAddress VARCHAR2(25) NOT NULL,
    Phone NUMBER(10) NOT NULL,
    Email VARCHAR2(15) NOT NULL,
    ShippCountry VARCHAR2(2) NOT NULL,
    ShippState_Prov VARCHAR2(2) NOT NULL,
    ShippCity VARCHAR2(10) NOT NULL,
    ShippAddress VARCHAR2(15) NOT NULL,  
    CONSTRAINT comm_customers_custid_pk PRIMARY KEY (custID)    
  1. comm_Items
CREATE TABLE comm_Items (
    itemID NUMBER(4) NOT NULL,
    ItemCat VARCHAR2(3) NOT NULL,
    ItemQty NUMBER(4) NOT NULL,
    SalePrice NUMBER(6,2) NOT NULL,
    CostPrice NUMBER(6,2) NOT NULL,
    ItemDesc VARCHAR2(15),
    CONSTRAINT comm_items_itemid_pk PRIMARY KEY (itemID)
  1. comm_Orders 给出了错误
CREATE TABLE comm_Orders (
    orderID NUMBER(10) NOT NULL,
    OrderQty NUMBER(4) NOT NULL,
    OrderDate DATE NOT NULL,
    Shipped VARCHAR2(1),
    ShippedDate DATE,    
    custID NUMBER(6) NOT NULL,
    Phone NUMBER(10) NOT NULL,
    Email VARCHAR2(15) NOT NULL,
    ShippCountry VARCHAR2(2) NOT NULL,
    ShippState_Prov VARCHAR2(2) NOT NULL,
    ShippCity VARCHAR2(10) NOT NULL,
    ShippAddress VARCHAR2(15) NOT NULL,    
    itemID NUMBER(4) NOT NULL,    
    SalePrice NUMBER(6,2) NOT NULL,
    CONSTRAINT comm_order_orderid_pk PRIMARY KEY (orderID),
    CONSTRAINT comm_order_custid_fk FOREIGN KEY (custID) 
    REFERENCES comm_Customers(custID),
    CONSTRAINT comm_order_phone_fk FOREIGN KEY (Phone) 
    REFERENCES comm_Customers(Phone),
    CONSTRAINT comm_order_email_fk FOREIGN KEY (Email) 
    REFERENCES comm_Customers(Email),
    CONSTRAINT comm_order_shippcountry_fk FOREIGN KEY (ShippCountry) 
    REFERENCES comm_Customers(ShippCountry),
    CONSTRAINT comm_order_shippstate_prov_fk FOREIGN KEY (ShippState_Prov) 
    REFERENCES comm_Customers(ShippState_Prov),

    CONSTRAINT comm_order_shippcity_fk FOREIGN KEY (ShippCity) 
    REFERENCES comm_Customers(ShippCity),

    CONSTRAINT comm_order_shippaddress_fk FOREIGN KEY (ShippAddress) 
    REFERENCES comm_Customers(ShippAddress),     
    CONSTRAINT comm_order_itemid_fk FOREIGN KEY (itemID) 
    REFERENCES comm_Items(itemID), 
    CONSTRAINT comm_order_saleprice_fk FOREIGN KEY (SalePrice) 
    REFERENCES comm_Items(SalePrice)     
    CONSTRAINT comm_order_shipped_chk CHECK (Shipped IN ('Y','N'))    

customersitems 的非主键列的引用确实引发了错误。

最重要的是,您不应该复制引用 table 中的信息。一个外键就足够了。


CREATE TABLE comm_Orders (
    orderID NUMBER(10) NOT NULL,
    OrderQty NUMBER(4) NOT NULL,
    OrderDate DATE NOT NULL,
    Shipped VARCHAR2(1),
    ShippedDate DATE,    
    custID NUMBER(6) NOT NULL,
    itemID NUMBER(4) NOT NULL,    
    CONSTRAINT comm_order_orderid_pk PRIMARY KEY (orderID),
    CONSTRAINT comm_order_custid_fk  FOREIGN KEY (custID) REFERENCES comm_Customers(custID),    
    CONSTRAINT comm_order_itemid_fk  FOREIGN KEY (itemID) REFERENCES comm_Items(itemID), 
    CONSTRAINT comm_order_shipped_chk CHECK (Shipped IN ('Y','N'))

然后,每当您需要从引用 table 恢复信息时,您 join 使用外键。假设您想要一位客户的 phone:

select o.*, c.phone
from comm_orders o
inner join comm_customers c on c.custid = o.custid