Angular:RxStomp 监视、配置、激活方法

Angular: RxStomp Watch, Configure, Activate Method

在 Stomp 中我们使用了这些方法:

initUserEvents() {

this.stompService.startConnect().then(() => {

this.stompService.subsribe('/channel/login', res => {
      if (res.username !== this.username) {


现在我正在使用 RxStomp,但我无法找出使用这些“替换”方法的正确方法:

initUserEvents() {

    this.stompService.activate(){'/channel/login', res => {
      if (res.username !== this.username) {

我得到的错误是: TS2345:'(res: any) => void' 类型的参数不可分配给 'StompHeaders' 类型的参数。类型“(res: any) => void”中缺少索引签名。

查看 RxStomp 文档。它说:

The key difference is that it exposes operations as RxJS Observables. For example when a STOMP endpoint is subscribed it returns an Observable that will stream all received messages.

With exception of beforeConnect, functionality related to all callbacks in @stomp/stompjs Client is exposed as Observables/Subjects/BehaviorSubjects.

换句话说,您不会将回调传递给可用于获取消息的 watch method. It returns an Observable

RxStomp API 希望您将 headers 传递给 watch 方法,而不是回调。这就是为什么它特别告诉你:

TS2345: Argument of type '(res: any) => void' is not assignable to parameter of type 'StompHeaders'.