Shopify Multipass 是否更新客户记录?

Does Shopify Multipass upsert the customer record?

Shopify Plus 有一个名为 Multipass 的功能 --

Multipass login is for store owners who have a separate website and a Shopify store. It redirects users from the website to the Shopify store and seamlessly logs them in with the same email address they used to sign up for the original website. If no account with that email address exists yet, one is created. There is no need to synchronize any customer databases.

考虑用户执行两次多次登录的场景,其中用户的姓氏作为可选字段传递,但在第二次登录尝试之前,用户更改了他们的姓氏。传递新姓氏的第二次多次登录是否会更新 Shopify 客户记录?

same page 的下方,它表示

Shopify uses email addresses as unique identifiers for customers of a shop. When registering customers in Shopify, the merchant must set the unique identifier in the "identifier" field in the following cases:

The site uses other identifiers (such as usernames) Two different users of the site might be registered with the same email address If the email address is always unique, setting the "identifier" field isn't required.

Only one Shopify account can use a specific email address. Registering a second customer with the same email address (even with a different "identifier") will result in an error.

这意味着用户是使用唯一标识符来识别的,如果指定,该标识符可以是电子邮件或其他内容。因此,在上述情况下,如果电子邮件是相同的并且仅更改 last_name 或任何其他属性,则不会创建新用户,但该信息将应用于使用该电子邮件标识的现有用户。

我觉得很简单。第一次从 Multipass 访问 Shopify 时,会使用提供的信息创建客户记录。在该客户阅读发送给他们的电子邮件并让他们确认他们的帐户之前,不会发生任何其他事情。无论此时客户记录是什么,都将被确认并视为他们的记录。因此,假设第二次登录是在他们确认之后发生的,那将毫无意义。如果他们在确认之前尝试登录,Shopify 可能会放弃该尝试,因为存在未确认的记录,无论姓氏是否更改。