如何使用 python 宏监控 Libreoffice 文档中的键盘输入?
How to monitor keyboard input in a Libreoffice document using a python macro?
尽管进行了确定的搜索,但我还没有找到 python 的文档。
使用 Uno com.sun.star.awt XKeyListener
import unohelper
from com.sun.star.awt import XKeyListener
def fs_listen(*args):
doc = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getDocument()
desktop = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getDesktop()
model = desktop.getCurrentComponent()
contr = model.getCurrentController()
url_current = doc.getLocation()
oEventListener = KeyListen(doc)
class KeyListen(unohelper.Base, XKeyListener):
def __init__(self, parent):
self.parent = parent
print("listener added")
def keyPressed( self, event ):
""" is invoked when a key has been pressed."""
def keyReleased( self, event ):
""" is invoked when a key has been released."""
代码将激活并且 运行 但在“添加侦听器”之后不会为键盘输入产生任何输出。
与直觉相反,向 CurrentController 添加 KeyListener 似乎并没有
将对键盘输入产生响应的函数是 XKeyHandler
虽然它没有作为 EventListener 添加,但它作为 KeyHandler 添加。
的实例与用于启动它的实例完全相同。 oobasic 不是问题,
python 的问题是它不能以这种方式存储,除非有人读到这个,知道
警告:仅在 Linux
可以通过从命令行启动 LibreOffice lowriter
然后 运行 来测试以下内容
与任何其他宏一样,以 Shift+Alt+Ctrl+k
import unohelper
from com.sun.star.awt import XKeyHandler
from com.sun.star.awt import Key
from com.sun.star.awt.MessageBoxButtons import BUTTONS_OK
from com.sun.star.awt.MessageBoxType import INFOBOX
fs_fkeys={} # dictionary of keys to identify each key
for key in dir(Key):
fs_fkeys[getattr(Key, key)] = key
# Shift_L, Ctrl_L, Alt_L are not reported as separate keys but are reported as modifiers
# 1,2 and 4 respectively. Shift_R and Ctrl_R are identical to their Left twins
# Alt_R (AltGr) is not reported and not a modifier.
# Super_R (Right Windows) is not reported but is a modifier, even though it doesn't modify any keys.
# It reports as modifier 8
# Super_L (Left Windows) is not reported and not a modifier.
# Caps_Lock and Num_Lock report as unidentified keys but not as modifiers.
# track key input with option of consuming the input (return True)
def fs_Tracker(*args):
doc = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getDocument()
desktop = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getDesktop()
global contr, oEventHandler
contr = desktop.getCurrentComponent().getCurrentController()
oEventHandler = KeyHandler(doc)
mess = "Key tracker active\nTo deactivate close document or Shift+Alt+Ctrl K"
heading = "Key Tracker"
MessageBox(None, mess, heading, INFOBOX, BUTTONS_OK)
class KeyHandler( unohelper.Base, XKeyHandler ):
def __init__(self, parent):
self.parent = parent
return None
def Terminate ( self, event ):
mess = "Key tracker deactivated!"
heading = "Key Tracker"
MessageBox(None, mess, heading, INFOBOX, BUTTONS_OK)
def keyPressed( self, event ):
k = event.KeyCode
c = event.KeyChar.value
mods = event.Modifiers
# mods are additive
# 0 - None
# 1 - Shift
# 2 - Ctrl
# 4 - Alt
# 8 - Super_R
if c == "K" and mods == 7: #Shift+Ctrl+Alt+k
return True # Returning True consumes the key
# Thus assigning this macro to the same keyboard shortcut means that
# the macro is toggled On/Off by Shift+Alt+Ctrl+k
if k in fs_fkeys:
name = fs_fkeys[k]
name = "Undefined"
print(name, k, c, mods)
return False
def keyReleased( self, event ):
return False
def MessageBox(ParentWindow, MsgText, MsgTitle, MsgType, MsgButtons):
ctx = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getComponentContext()
sm = ctx.ServiceManager
si = sm.createInstanceWithContext("com.sun.star.awt.Toolkit", ctx)
mBox = si.createMessageBox(ParentWindow, MsgType, MsgButtons, MsgTitle, MsgText)
#List components that are accessible
g_exportedScripts = fs_Tracker,
请注意,这是一个自答题,仅供参考。 尽管进行了确定的搜索,但我还没有找到 python 的文档。
使用 Uno com.sun.star.awt XKeyListener
import unohelper
from com.sun.star.awt import XKeyListener
def fs_listen(*args):
doc = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getDocument()
desktop = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getDesktop()
model = desktop.getCurrentComponent()
contr = model.getCurrentController()
url_current = doc.getLocation()
oEventListener = KeyListen(doc)
class KeyListen(unohelper.Base, XKeyListener):
def __init__(self, parent):
self.parent = parent
print("listener added")
def keyPressed( self, event ):
""" is invoked when a key has been pressed."""
def keyReleased( self, event ):
""" is invoked when a key has been released."""
代码将激活并且 运行 但在“添加侦听器”之后不会为键盘输入产生任何输出。
与直觉相反,向 CurrentController 添加 KeyListener 似乎并没有
将对键盘输入产生响应的函数是 XKeyHandler
虽然它没有作为 EventListener 添加,但它作为 KeyHandler 添加。
的实例与用于启动它的实例完全相同。 oobasic 不是问题,
python 的问题是它不能以这种方式存储,除非有人读到这个,知道 的一种方式。它不会“泡菜”,关于如何储存它,我最后泡菜了。我可能错过了一些明显的东西。
我最终使用的解决方案是根据键盘使功能自动取消 输入。
警告:仅在 Linux
上进行了测试可以通过从命令行启动 LibreOffice lowriter
然后 运行 来测试以下内容
与任何其他宏一样,以 Shift+Alt+Ctrl+k
import unohelper
from com.sun.star.awt import XKeyHandler
from com.sun.star.awt import Key
from com.sun.star.awt.MessageBoxButtons import BUTTONS_OK
from com.sun.star.awt.MessageBoxType import INFOBOX
fs_fkeys={} # dictionary of keys to identify each key
for key in dir(Key):
fs_fkeys[getattr(Key, key)] = key
# Shift_L, Ctrl_L, Alt_L are not reported as separate keys but are reported as modifiers
# 1,2 and 4 respectively. Shift_R and Ctrl_R are identical to their Left twins
# Alt_R (AltGr) is not reported and not a modifier.
# Super_R (Right Windows) is not reported but is a modifier, even though it doesn't modify any keys.
# It reports as modifier 8
# Super_L (Left Windows) is not reported and not a modifier.
# Caps_Lock and Num_Lock report as unidentified keys but not as modifiers.
# track key input with option of consuming the input (return True)
def fs_Tracker(*args):
doc = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getDocument()
desktop = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getDesktop()
global contr, oEventHandler
contr = desktop.getCurrentComponent().getCurrentController()
oEventHandler = KeyHandler(doc)
mess = "Key tracker active\nTo deactivate close document or Shift+Alt+Ctrl K"
heading = "Key Tracker"
MessageBox(None, mess, heading, INFOBOX, BUTTONS_OK)
class KeyHandler( unohelper.Base, XKeyHandler ):
def __init__(self, parent):
self.parent = parent
return None
def Terminate ( self, event ):
mess = "Key tracker deactivated!"
heading = "Key Tracker"
MessageBox(None, mess, heading, INFOBOX, BUTTONS_OK)
def keyPressed( self, event ):
k = event.KeyCode
c = event.KeyChar.value
mods = event.Modifiers
# mods are additive
# 0 - None
# 1 - Shift
# 2 - Ctrl
# 4 - Alt
# 8 - Super_R
if c == "K" and mods == 7: #Shift+Ctrl+Alt+k
return True # Returning True consumes the key
# Thus assigning this macro to the same keyboard shortcut means that
# the macro is toggled On/Off by Shift+Alt+Ctrl+k
if k in fs_fkeys:
name = fs_fkeys[k]
name = "Undefined"
print(name, k, c, mods)
return False
def keyReleased( self, event ):
return False
def MessageBox(ParentWindow, MsgText, MsgTitle, MsgType, MsgButtons):
ctx = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getComponentContext()
sm = ctx.ServiceManager
si = sm.createInstanceWithContext("com.sun.star.awt.Toolkit", ctx)
mBox = si.createMessageBox(ParentWindow, MsgType, MsgButtons, MsgTitle, MsgText)
#List components that are accessible
g_exportedScripts = fs_Tracker,