如何使用 ContT monad 转换器?

How to use the ContT monad transformer?

ContT monad 转换器与 Cont monad 具有相同的实现,但我无法将其应用于所有三种 Either 情况


const record = (type, o) => (
  o[Symbol.toStringTag] = type.name || type,

const union = type => (tag, o) => (
  o[Symbol.toStringTag] = type,
  o.tag = tag.name || tag,

const match = (tx, o) => o[tx.tag] (tx);

const Either = union("Either");
const Left = left => Either(Left, {left});
const Right = right => Either(Right, {right});

const eithChain = mx => fm =>
  match(mx, {
    Left: _ => mx,
    Right: ({right: x}) => fm(x)

const ContT = contt => record(ContT, {contt});

const contChainT = mmk => fmm =>
  ContT(c => mmk.contt(x => fmm(x).contt(c)));

const main = foo =>
  contChainT(ContT(k => k(foo))) (mx =>
    eithChain(mx) (x =>
      x === 0
        ? ContT(k => k(Left("ouch!")))
        : ContT(k => k(Right(x * x)))));

main(Right(5)).contt(console.log); // Right(25)
main(Right(0)).contt(console.log); // Left("ouch!")
main(Left("yikes!")).contt(console.log); // Type Error


您的 main 函数不进行类型检查。

const main = foo =>
  contChainT(ContT(k => k(foo))) (mx =>
    eithChain(mx) (x =>
      x === 0
        ? ContT(k => k(Left("ouch!")))
        : ContT(k => k(Right(x * x)))));

首先,让我们简化一下。给定,const pureContT = x => ContT(k => k(x)) 我们可以重写 main 如下。

const main = foo =>
  contChainT(pureContT(foo)) (mx =>
    eithChain(mx) (x =>
      pureContT(x === 0
        ? Left("ouch!")
        : Right(x * x))));


const main = mx =>
  eithChain(mx) (x =>
    pureContT(x === 0
      ? Left("ouch!")
      : Right(x * x)));

到这里,问题就可以看出来了。 eithChain 函数具有以下类型。

Either e a -> (a -> Either e b) -> Either e b

但是,给 eithChain returns 的回调是 ContT 而不是 Either


ContT r m a = (a -> m r) -> m r

-- Therefore

ContT r (Either e) a = (a -> Either e r) -> Either e r

这不是你想要的。您应该改用 EitherT 转换器。

EitherT e m a = m (Either e a)

Cont r a = (a -> r) -> r

-- Therefore

EitherT e (Cont r) a = Cont r (Either e a) = (Either e a -> r) -> r


// Left : e -> Either e a
const Left = error => ({ constructor: Left, error });

// Right : a -> Either e a
const Right = value => ({ constructor: Right, value });

// Cont : ((a -> r) -> r) -> Cont r a
const Cont = runCont => ({ constructor: Cont, runCont });

// either : (e -> b) -> (a -> b) -> Either e a -> b
const either = left => right => either => {
    switch (either.constructor) {
    case Left: return left(either.error);
    case Right: return right(either.value);

// MonadEitherT : Monad m -> Monad (EitherT e m)
const MonadEitherT = ({ pure, bind }) => ({
    pure: x => pure(Right(x)),
    bind: m => f => bind(m)(either(e => pure(Left(e)))(f))

// MonadCont : Monad (Cont r)
const MonadCont = {
    pure: x => Cont(k => k(x)),
    bind: m => f => Cont(k => m.runCont(x => f(x).runCont(k)))

// MonadEitherCont : Monad (EitherT e (Cont r))
const MonadEitherCont = MonadEitherT(MonadCont);

// main : Either String Number -> EitherT String (Cont r) Number
const main = either => MonadEitherCont.bind(MonadCont.pure(either))(x =>
    MonadCont.pure(x === 0 ? Left("ouch!") : Right(x * x)));

// show : Either e a -> String
const show = either
    (e => `Left(${JSON.stringify(e)})`)
    (x => `Right(${JSON.stringify(x)})`);

// print : Either e a -> ()
const print = x => console.log(show(x));

main(Right(5)).runCont(print); // Right(25)
main(Right(0)).runCont(print); // Left("ouch!")
main(Left("yikes!")).runCont(print); // Left("yikes!")

作为对 Aadit 回答的补充,我设法实现了一个使用 ContT 作为转换器的版本。我需要操纵当前延续的是标准 Monad Cont 实现和相应的 lift:

const record = (type, o) => (
  o[Symbol.toStringTag] = type.name || type,

const union = type => (tag, o) => (
  o[Symbol.toStringTag] = type,
  o.tag = tag.name || tag,

const match = (tx, o) => o[tx.tag] (tx);

const Either = union("Either");
const Left = left => Either(Left, {left});
const Right = right => Either(Right, {right});

const eithChain = mx => fm =>
  match(mx, {
    Left: _ => mx,
    Right: ({right: x}) => fm(x)

const ContT = contt => record(ContT, {contt});

const contChainT = mmk => fmm =>
  ContT(k => mmk.contt(x => fmm(x).contt(k)));

const contLiftT = chain => mmk =>
  ContT(k => chain(mmk) (k));

const log = x => (console.log(x), x);

const main = foo =>
  contChainT(contLiftT(eithChain) (foo)) (x =>
    x === 0
      ? ContT(k => Left("yikes!"))
      : ContT(k => k(x * x)));

const foo = main(Right(5)).contt(x => Right(log(x))); // logs 25
const bar = main(Right(0)).contt(x => Right(log(x)));
const baz = main(Left("ouch!")).contt(x => Right(log(x)));

log(foo); // Right(25)
log(bar); // Left("yikes!")
log(baz); // Left("ouch!")

似乎 ContT/M 带有任意基础 monad MT/Cont 带有任意转换器 T 在它们的效果中是可交换的。虽然我没有数学技能来证明这种说法。