为什么 TLC 在有效状态上报告错误?
Why is TLC reporting errors on valid states?
------------------------------- MODULE queue -------------------------------
EXTENDS Naturals
CONSTANT L (* The fixed max length of the queue *)
VARIABLE q (* Represents the queue as the number of items in it *)
TypeInvariant == q >= 0 /\ q <= L
Init == q = 0
NoOp == q' = q (* Queue unchanged *)
Enqueue == q' = q + 1 (* Element added *)
Dequeue == q' = IF q = 0 THEN q ELSE q - 1 (* Element removed *)
Next == NoOp \/ Enqueue \/ Dequeue
Spec == Init /\ [][Next]_q
THEOREM Spec => TypeInvariant
当我 运行 TLC 具有以下常量值时:
L <- 3
但规范允许 (0 .. L)
中的值,那么为什么 TLC 报告 q=1
_TEAction |-> [
position |-> 1,
name |-> "Initial predicate",
location |-> "Unknown location"
q |-> 0
_TEAction |-> [
position |-> 2,
name |-> "Enqueue",
location |-> "line 18, col 12 to line 18, col 21 of module queue"
q |-> 1
_TEAction |-> [
position |-> 3,
name |-> "Enqueue",
location |-> "line 18, col 12 to line 18, col 21 of module queue"
q |-> 2
_TEAction |-> [
position |-> 4,
name |-> "Enqueue",
location |-> "line 18, col 12 to line 18, col 21 of module queue"
q |-> 3
_TEAction |-> [
position |-> 5,
name |-> "Enqueue",
location |-> "line 18, col 12 to line 18, col 21 of module queue"
q |-> 4
人们应该如何识别那些被认为是错误的和那些不是来自这个痕迹的? q=0
- 红色单元格表示变量的值在此状态下与其之前的值相比发生了变化(参见 https://tla.msr-inria.inria.fr/tlatoolbox/doc/model/executing-tlc.html)。红色 not 表示状态无效!
- (无限)行为的前缀 - 由跟踪资源管理器报告为错误跟踪 - 不满足(安全)属性
因为 TypeInvariant
确实 不允许允许q=4
顺便说一句,TLA+ group 是提问的好地方。
------------------------------- MODULE queue -------------------------------
EXTENDS Naturals
CONSTANT L (* The fixed max length of the queue *)
VARIABLE q (* Represents the queue as the number of items in it *)
TypeInvariant == q >= 0 /\ q <= L
Init == q = 0
NoOp == q' = q (* Queue unchanged *)
Enqueue == q' = q + 1 (* Element added *)
Dequeue == q' = IF q = 0 THEN q ELSE q - 1 (* Element removed *)
Next == NoOp \/ Enqueue \/ Dequeue
Spec == Init /\ [][Next]_q
THEOREM Spec => TypeInvariant
当我 运行 TLC 具有以下常量值时:
L <- 3
但规范允许 (0 .. L)
中的值,那么为什么 TLC 报告 q=1
_TEAction |-> [
position |-> 1,
name |-> "Initial predicate",
location |-> "Unknown location"
q |-> 0
_TEAction |-> [
position |-> 2,
name |-> "Enqueue",
location |-> "line 18, col 12 to line 18, col 21 of module queue"
q |-> 1
_TEAction |-> [
position |-> 3,
name |-> "Enqueue",
location |-> "line 18, col 12 to line 18, col 21 of module queue"
q |-> 2
_TEAction |-> [
position |-> 4,
name |-> "Enqueue",
location |-> "line 18, col 12 to line 18, col 21 of module queue"
q |-> 3
_TEAction |-> [
position |-> 5,
name |-> "Enqueue",
location |-> "line 18, col 12 to line 18, col 21 of module queue"
q |-> 4
人们应该如何识别那些被认为是错误的和那些不是来自这个痕迹的? q=0
- 红色单元格表示变量的值在此状态下与其之前的值相比发生了变化(参见 https://tla.msr-inria.inria.fr/tlatoolbox/doc/model/executing-tlc.html)。红色 not 表示状态无效!
- (无限)行为的前缀 - 由跟踪资源管理器报告为错误跟踪 - 不满足(安全)属性
确实 不允许允许q=4
顺便说一句,TLA+ group 是提问的好地方。