Laravel 7:在集合中查找重复项并保留较低的值并删除其他较高的值

Laravel 7: Find duplicates in a collection and keep lower values and remove the others higher values




   Illuminate\Support\Collection Object (
        [items:protected] => Array
                [1] => Illuminate\Support\Collection Object
                        [items:protected] => Array
                                [0] => stdClass Object
                                        [id] => 1
                                        [title] => Item A   
                                        [group_id] => 1
                                        [price] => 4000
                                [1] => stdClass Object
                                        [id] => 22
                                        [title] => Gru gru  
                                        [group_id] => 1
                                        [price] => 3000
                [7] => Illuminate\Support\Collection Object
                        [items:protected] => Array
                                [0] => stdClass Object
                                        [id] => 2
                                        [title] => Item B   
                                        [group_id] => 7
                                        [price] => 0
                [4] => Illuminate\Support\Collection Object
                        [items:protected] => Array
                                [0] => stdClass Object
                                        [id] => 11    
                                        [title] => Item X                                               
                                        [group_id] => 4                                   
                                        [price] => 3000   
                [6] => Illuminate\Support\Collection Object
                        [items:protected] => Array
                                [0] => stdClass Object
                                        [id] => 12
                                        [title] => My Book                                  
                                        [group_id] => 6                                  
                                        [price] => 3000    
                [2] => Illuminate\Support\Collection Object
                        [items:protected] => Array
                                [0] => stdClass Object
                                        [id] => 13       
                                        [title] => Item 1A
                                        [group_id] => 2                                   
                                        [price] => 3000    
                                [1] => stdClass Object
                                        [id] => 20
                                        [title] => Item 1B
                                        [group_id] => 2
                                        [price] => 3000
                [3] => Illuminate\Support\Collection Object
                        [items:protected] => Array
                                [0] => stdClass Object
                                        [id] => 14 
                                        [title] => Bla bla                                  
                                        [group_id] => 3
                                        [price] => 0
            ) )

但我想过滤掉重复数据以保持 lower "price" 值和 remove 更高的“price”值。所以结果将是这样的:

Illuminate\Support\Collection Object
    [items:protected] => Array
            [1] => Illuminate\Support\Collection Object
                    [items:protected] => Array

                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 22
                                    [title] => Gru gru  
                                    [group_id] => 1
                                    [price] => 3000

            [7] => Illuminate\Support\Collection Object
                    [items:protected] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 2
                                    [title] => Item B   
                                    [group_id] => 7
                                    [price] => 0

            [4] => Illuminate\Support\Collection Object
                    [items:protected] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 11    
                                    [title] => Item X                                               
                                    [group_id] => 4                                   
                                    [price] => 3000     

            [6] => Illuminate\Support\Collection Object
                    [items:protected] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 12
                                    [title] => My Book                                  
                                    [group_id] => 6                                  
                                    [price] => 3000    

            [2] => Illuminate\Support\Collection Object
                    [items:protected] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 13       
                                    [title] => Item 1A
                                    [group_id] => 2                                   
                                    [price] => 3000   

            [3] => Illuminate\Support\Collection Object
                    [items:protected] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 14 
                                    [title] => Bla bla                                  
                                    [group_id] => 3
                                    [price] => 0



$data = $data
    ->map(function ($group) {
        $sorted = $group->sortBy('price');
        return $sorted->first();
        //or return collect([$sorted->first()]) if you need groups in resulted collection.