SQL 根据每行中的值对列进行排名

SQL Rank the columns based on values in each row

我有一个 SQL table 看起来类似于下面的示例。

对于每一行,我想添加 4 列来表示每个主题的排名(对于给定的行)。

是否可以在 SQL 内完成?请帮忙。我使用 Vertica SQL.


select name, 
       max(case when seqnum = 1 then subject end) as rank_1,
       max(case when seqnum = 2 then subject end) as rank_2,
       max(case when seqnum = 3 then subject end) as rank_3,
       max(case when seqnum = 4 then subject end) as rank_4
from (select s.*,
             row_number() over (partition by name order by score desc) as seqnum      
      from ((select name, 'English' as subject, english as score from t) union all
            (select name, 'Maths', maths from t) union all
            (select name, 'Science', science from t) union all
            (select name, 'Physics', Physics from t)
           ) s
     ) s
group by name;




-- your input - *please* paste it as text into your question next time - 
-- I had to re-type all of that instead of just reformatting it ...
-- and I use "nam" instead of "name", as it's a reserved word ...
indata(nam,english,science,physics,maths) AS (
            SELECT 'A',80,72,53,86
  UNION ALL SELECT 'B',60,65,75,52
  UNION ALL SELECT 'C',79,77,44,70
  UNION ALL SELECT 'D',69,69,55,65
-- add an in-line table with all subjects, to un-pivot with ...
subjects(subject) AS (
            SELECT 'english'
  UNION ALL SELECT 'science'
  UNION ALL SELECT 'physics'
-- un-pivot, by CROSS JOINing and 
-- get a rank, based on combination of 
-- nam and the right mark based on subject ..
piv AS (
      PARTITION BY nam
      ORDER BY 
        CASE subject
          WHEN 'english' THEN english
          WHEN 'science' THEN science
          WHEN 'physics' THEN physics
          WHEN 'maths'   THEN maths
          ELSE 0
    ) AS rnk
  FROM indata CROSS JOIN subjects
-- control query ....
-- SELECT * FROM piv ORDER BY nam,rnk;
-- out  nam | english | science | physics | maths | subject | rnk 
-- out -----+---------+---------+---------+-------+---------+-----
-- out  A   |      80 |      72 |      53 |    86 | maths   |   1
-- out  A   |      80 |      72 |      53 |    86 | english |   2
-- out  A   |      80 |      72 |      53 |    86 | science |   3
-- out  A   |      80 |      72 |      53 |    86 | physics |   4
-- out  B   |      60 |      65 |      75 |    52 | physics |   1
-- out  B   |      60 |      65 |      75 |    52 | science |   2
-- out  B   |      60 |      65 |      75 |    52 | english |   3
-- out  B   |      60 |      65 |      75 |    52 | maths   |   4
-- out  C   |      79 |      77 |      44 |    70 | english |   1
-- out  C   |      79 |      77 |      44 |    70 | science |   2
-- out  C   |      79 |      77 |      44 |    70 | maths   |   3
-- out  C   |      79 |      77 |      44 |    70 | physics |   4
-- out  D   |      69 |      69 |      55 |    65 | english |   1
-- out  D   |      69 |      69 |      55 |    65 | science |   2
-- out  D   |      69 |      69 |      55 |    65 | maths   |   3
-- out  D   |      69 |      69 |      55 |    65 | physics |   4

-- finally, re-pivot, by GROUP-ing by the original columns of "indata"
-- and applying a MAX(CASE ...) to the columns I want to add.
, english
, science
, physics
, maths
, MAX(CASE rnk WHEN 1 THEN subject END) AS rank_1
, MAX(CASE rnk WHEN 2 THEN subject END) AS rank_2
, MAX(CASE rnk WHEN 3 THEN subject END) AS rank_3
, MAX(CASE rnk WHEN 4 THEN subject END) AS rank_4
FROM piv
, english
, science
, physics
, maths
-- out  nam | english | science | physics | maths | rank_1  | rank_2  | rank_3  | rank_4  
-- out -----+---------+---------+---------+-------+---------+---------+---------+---------
-- out  A   |      80 |      72 |      53 |    86 | maths   | english | science | physics
-- out  B   |      60 |      65 |      75 |    52 | physics | science | english | maths
-- out  C   |      79 |      77 |      44 |    70 | english | science | maths   | physics
-- out  D   |      69 |      69 |      55 |    65 | english | science | maths   | physics