如何解决 LaTeX 中文本太宽的错误?

How do I solve text too wide error in LaTeX?


{\textbf{LexBox}}{Nov 2020 - Present}
LexBox represents the fastest and the most efficient way to make a contravention complaint without to get in touch with a lawyer.
\\textbf{Technologies:} C\#, ASP.NET, jQuery AJAX, CSS \& HTML
{\textbf{GAM - Group Activity Manager}}{Oct 2020 - Present}
{This application is designed to remote control multiple desktops at the same time. \
\textbf{Technologies:} C\#, .NET Framework}

.sty 文件是 this

结果是 this


  • 你不能单独使用 \entrybig,它需要在列表中,例如\outerlist{}

  • 您对 \entrybig 使用的语法是错误的。这个宏需要 4 个强制参数,不是 2,不是 3,恰好是 4

  • 因为这个宏被插入到 table 单元格中,所以你不能滥用 \ 换行符


% Choose bibliography style for formatting list of publications

% Choose theme, e.g. black, RedViolet, ForestGreen, MidnightBlue



See more of my projects on \website{https://github.com/Mihutzen}


{\textbf{ETH Zurich}}
{Zurich, CH}
{M.S. in Computer Science, GPA: 5.63/6.00}
{2018\textendash 2020}
