为什么 `search` 功能没有 运行?

Why does the `search` function doesn't run?

我写了一个函数来搜索单向链表中的节点。当我 运行 它时,它在打印节点存在或不存在时卡住了。代码中没有任何警告,所以我想知道我的函数调用概念是否有问题。



int search(struct LLNode *curr, char* find)
    while (curr != NULL)
        if (curr->CharArr[9] == find)
            return 1;
            curr = curr->next;

        else if (curr->CharArr[9] != find)
            return 0;

这是 调用它的代码:

printf("\nEnter fruit name to search in the linked list: ");
scanf("%s", find);

int result = search(curr,&find);

if (result == 1)
    printf("%s found in the list.\n", find);
else if (result == 0)
    printf("%s not found in the list.\n", find);


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

struct LLNode
    char *CharArr[10];
    struct LLNode *next;

struct LLNode * createNode (char val[])
    struct LLNode *temp;
    temp =(struct LLNode *)malloc(sizeof(struct LLNode));
    temp-> CharArr[9] = val;
    temp-> next = NULL;
    return (temp) ;

int search(struct LLNode *curr, char* find)
    while (curr != NULL)
        if (curr->CharArr[9] == find)
            return 1;
            curr = curr->next;

        else if (curr->CharArr[9] != find)
            return 0;

int main ()
    struct LLNode *head = NULL;
    struct LLNode *curr = NULL;
    char find;

    printf("The nodes are:\n");

    head = curr = createNode ("Apple") ;
    printf ("%s\n", curr->CharArr[9]) ;

    curr = curr->next;
    curr = createNode("Orange");

    printf ("%s\n", curr->CharArr[9]) ;

    printf("\nEnter fruit name to search in the linked list: ");
    scanf("%s", find);

    int result = search(curr,&find);

    if (result == 1)
        printf("%s found in the list.\n", find);
    else if (result == 0)
        printf("%s not found in the list.\n", find);



 if (curr->CharArr[9] == find)
                return 1;
                curr = curr->next;  // right here, return statement before this line


if (curr->CharArr[9] == find)
// some code
curr->CharArr[9] != find

但它不起作用,因为您在此处使用数组下标运算符 curr->CharArr[9] 并且它只占用 char 数组的第十个符号。如果您需要比较两个字符串,您需要将一个字符串的每个字符与另一个字符串的相应字符进行比较,或者只使用 strcmp() 函数。


struct LLNode
    char *CharArr;
    struct LLNode *next;

search 函数需要使用 strcmp 来匹配字符串,当找到匹配时你应该只 return。

int search(struct LLNode *curr, char* find)
    while (curr != NULL)
        if (strcmp(curr->CharArr, find) == 0)
            return 1;
        curr = curr->next;
    return 0; 

并且在你的main函数中,你需要将head传递给search函数。 curr 指向您插入的最新节点。而curr->next需要先分配才能成为链表的一部分。

    curr->next = createNode("Orange");
    curr = curr->next;

    printf ("%s\n", curr->CharArr) ;

    printf("\nEnter fruit name to search in the linked list: ");
    scanf("%s", find);

    int result = search(head, find);


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

struct LLNode
    char CharArr[10];   // problem 1: use array of char, not array of pointer of char
    struct LLNode *next;

struct LLNode * createNode (const char* val)
    struct LLNode *temp;
    temp =(struct LLNode *)malloc(sizeof(struct LLNode));
    strncpy(temp-> CharArr, val, 9); // problem 2: assign value to array
    temp->CharArr[9] = 0;            // be sure to make it null-terminated
    temp-> next = NULL;
    return (temp) ;

int search(struct LLNode *curr, char* find)
    while (curr != NULL)
        if (strncmp(curr->CharArr, find, 9) == 0)   // problem 3: the way of comparing string
            return 1;             // problem 4: logic of `search` function. Need follow the logic: return 1 if found. You change `cur` pointer after return is do nothing  
            curr = curr->next;    // move to next element if not found in current node

    return 0;          // return 0 if not found at all

int main ()
    struct LLNode *head = NULL;
    struct LLNode *curr = NULL;
    char find[9] = {0};

    printf("The nodes are:\n");

    head = curr = createNode ("Apple") ;
    printf ("%s\n", curr->CharArr) ;

    curr->next = createNode("Orange");    // problem 5: assign wrong pointer for new element in linked list

    printf ("%s\n", curr->next->CharArr) ;

    printf("\nEnter fruit name to search in the linked list: ");
    scanf("%s", find);

    int result = search(head, find);    // problem 6: pass `head` to search, not `curr`

    if (result == 1)
        printf("%s found in the list.\n", find);
    else if (result == 0)
        printf("%s not found in the list.\n", find);

