使用路径检查我的本地 ip 是否有效

Check my local ip with a path whether it is valid or not

你好,我尝试检查我的 ip(在本地服务器上)是否有效并为其添加路径,但问题是当我测试“”时它不被视为 ip 地址/cmd.html?c-31" 它很好地显示在我的浏览器上。这是代码:

public static bool check_ip(string ip)
    string path_ip = ip + "/cmd.html?c=31"; // error not an ip
    Ping ping = new Ping();
    IPAddress address = IPAddress.Parse("path_ip");
    PingReply pong = ping.Send(address, 100);
    if (pong.Status == IPStatus.Success)
        return true;
    return false;

如何让我的函数检查带有路径的 ip(例如:“”)?

您应该只检查 ip 部分:

        public static bool check_ip(string ip)
                string path_ip = ip + "/cmd.html?c=31"; // error not an ip
                Ping ping = new Ping();
                IPAddress address = IPAddress.Parse(ip);
                PingReply pong = ping.Send(address, 100);
                if (pong.Status == IPStatus.Success)
                    return true;
                return false;


// "path_ip" is not the value of your variable, but a string value "path_ip"
IPAddress address = IPAddress.Parse("path_ip");

如果您想要将 url 当作浏览器来检查:

using var client = new HttpClient();

var result = await client.GetAsync("");
Console.WriteLine(result.StatusCode); // if the status code is in the 2XX range, you are ok.