Pandas dataframe 或 SQLite 模糊搜索

Pandas dataframe or SQLite fuzzy search


我的问题是如何从数据库中已存在但团队名称以不同方式书写的比赛中识别 match_id
请随意添加任何方法,即使它们不使用数据框或 SQLite。

matches table 的列是:
match_id: int, sport: string, home_team: string, away_team: string, date: string (dd/mm/YYY)

新匹配 = (sport_to_check, home_team_to_check, away_team_to_check, date_to_check)

    SELECT match_id FROM matches
    WHERE sport = (sport_to_check)
    AND date = (date_to_check)
    AND (fuzz(home_team, home_team_to_check) > 80 OR fuzz(away_team, away_team_to_check) > 80) //the fuzzy scores evaluation  


我相信没有办法像这样将 python 与 SQL 混合,所以这就是我将其称为“伪代码”的原因。 我还可以将匹配项 table 拉入 Pandas 数据框并使用它进行评估,如果可行的话(如何?...)。
在任何给定时间,匹配 table 都不会超过几千条记录。

表示 在数据库中匹配 table 为:

    | match_id | sport      | home_team                   | visitor_team         | date       |
    | 84       | football   | confianca                   | cuiaba esporte clube | 24/11/2020 |
    | 209      | football   | cs alagoana                 | operario pr          | 24/11/2020 |
    | 184      | football   | grenoble foot 38            | as nancy lorraine    | 24/11/2020 |
    | 7        | football   | sv turkgucu-ataspor munchen | saarbrucken          | 24/11/2020 |
    | 414      | handball   | dinamo bucareste            | usam nimes           | 24/11/2020 |
    | 846      | handball   | benidorm                    | naturhouse la rioja  | 25/11/2020 |
    | 874      | handball   | cegledi                     | ferencvarosi tc      | 25/11/2020 |
    | 418      | handball   | lemvig-thyboron             | kif kolding          | 25/11/2020 |
    | 740      | ice hockey | tps                         | kookoo               | 25/11/2020 |
    | 385      | football   | stevenage                   | hull                 | 29/11/2020 |


    | row (for demo) | sport      | home_team           | visitor_team        | date       |
    | A              | football   | confianca-se        | cuiaba mt           | 24/11/2020 |
    | B              | football   | csa                 | operario            | 24/11/2020 |
    | C              | football   | grenoble            | nancy               | 24/11/2020 |
    | D              | football   | sv turkgucu ataspor | 1 fc saarbrucken    | 24/11/2020 |
    | E              | handball   | dinamo bucuresti    | nimes               | 24/11/2020 |
    | F              | handball   | bm benidorm         | bm logrono la rioja | 25/11/2020 |
    | G              | handball   | cegledi kkse        | ftc budapest        | 25/11/2020 |
    | H              | handball   | lemvig              | kif kobenhavn       | 25/11/2020 |
    | I              | ice hockey | turku ps            | kookoo kouvola      | 25/11/2020 |
    | J              | football   | stevenage borough   | hull city           | 29/11/2020 |
    | K              | football   | west brom           | sheffield united    | 28/11/2020 |


find(A) returns: 84  
find(B) returns: 209  
find(C) returns: 184  
find(D) returns: 7  
find(E) returns: 414  
find(F) returns: 846  
find(G) returns: 874  
find(H) returns: 418  
find(I) returns: 740  
find(J) returns: 385  
find(K) returns: (something like "not found" => I would then insert the new row)  


基本上我按给定的日期和运动过滤掉原始的table。然后使用 fuzzywuzzy 在剩余行之间找到家庭和访客之间的最佳匹配:


import pandas as pd

cols = ['match_id','sport','home_team','visitor_team','date']

df1 = pd.DataFrame([
['84','football','confianca','cuiaba esporte clube','24/11/2020'],
['209','football','cs alagoana','operario pr','24/11/2020'],
['184','football','grenoble foot 38','as nancy lorraine','24/11/2020'],
['7','football','sv turkgucu-ataspor munchen','saarbrucken','24/11/2020'],
['414','handball','dinamo bucareste','usam nimes','24/11/2020'],
['846','handball','benidorm','naturhouse la rioja','25/11/2020'],
['874','handball','cegledi','ferencvarosi tc','25/11/2020'],
['418','handball','lemvig-thyboron','kif kolding','25/11/2020'],
['740','ice hockey','tps','kookoo','25/11/2020'],
['385','football','stevenage','hull','29/11/2020']], columns=cols)

cols = ['row','sport','home_team','visitor_team','date']

df2 = pd.DataFrame([
['A','football','confianca-se','cuiaba mt','24/11/2020'],
['D','football','sv turkgucu ataspor','1 fc saarbrucken','24/11/2020'],
['E','handball','dinamo bucuresti','nimes','24/11/2020'],
['F','handball','bm benidorm','bm logrono la rioja','25/11/2020'],
['G','handball','cegledi kkse','ftc budapest','25/11/2020'],
['H','handball','lemvig','kif kobenhavn','25/11/2020'],
['I','ice hockey','turku ps','kookoo kouvola','25/11/2020'],
['J','football','stevenage borough','hull city','29/11/2020'],
['K','football','west brom','sheffield united','28/11/2020']], columns=cols)


import pandas as pd
from fuzzywuzzy import fuzz
import string

def calculate_ratio(row):
    return fuzz.token_set_ratio(row['col1'],row['col2'] )

def find(df1, df2, row_search):
    alpha = df2.query('row == "{row_search}"'.format(row_search=row_search))
    sport = alpha.iloc[0]['sport']
    date = alpha.iloc[0]['date']
    home_team = alpha.iloc[0]['home_team']
    visitor_team = alpha.iloc[0]['visitor_team']
    beta = df1.query('sport == "{sport}" & date == "{date}"'.format(sport=sport,date=date))
    if len(beta) == 0:
        return 'Not found.'
        temp = pd.DataFrame({'match_id':list(beta['match_id']),'col1':list(beta['home_team'] + ' ' + beta['visitor_team']), 'col2':[home_team + ' ' + visitor_team]*len(beta)})
        temp['score'] = temp.apply(calculate_ratio, axis=1)
        temp = temp.sort_values('score', ascending=False)
        outcome = temp.head(1).iloc[0]['match_id']
        return outcome

for row_alpha in string.ascii_uppercase[0:11]:
    outcome = find(df1, df2, row_alpha)
    print ('{row_alpha} --> {outcome}'.format(row_alpha=row_alpha, outcome=outcome))


A --> 84
B --> 209
C --> 184
D --> 7
E --> 414
F --> 846
G --> 874
H --> 418
I --> 740
J --> 385
K --> Not found.