Python 套接字发送 Uint16 和 Uint32

Python Sockets send Uint16 and Uint32

我需要通过具有以下结构的 python 套接字发送请求:

   Uint16 data_one
   Uint16 data_one
   Uint32 data_one


看看struct module中的函数。使用 struct.pack 生成字节流并通过网络发送,然后在另一端使用 struct.unpack 解压数据:

# sender
buffer = struct.pack('!3H', *data)
# ... send it

# receiver
# ... get the buffer
data = struct.unpack('!3H', buffer)


与 Protobuf 类似但不同的是,它允许您定义“打包”数据格式,这在处理打包数据格式(例如网络数据包或专有数据格式)时非常理想。

from construct import Struct, Int16ub, Int32ub

# Your data format
my_packet_struct = Struct(
    "field1" / Int16ub,
    "field2" / Int16ub,
    "field3" / Int32ub

# Some data you want serialise.
# The dict keys need to match those in the packet format above,
# but not necessarily the same order
my_data = {
    "field2": 321,
    "field1": 123,
    "field3": 999

# Serialise your data to bytes
my_serialised_bytes =
print("Serialised Bytes: {}".format(my_serialised_bytes.hex()))
# Send the data: socket.write(my_serialised_bytes)

# Deserialise to prove it works properly
my_deserialised_bytes = my_packet_struct.parse(my_serialised_bytes)

print("\nDeserialised object:")


Serialised Bytes: 007b0141000003e7

Deserialised object:
    field1 = 123
    field2 = 321
    field3 = 999