Swagger declaration schema = @Schema(implementation = Map.class) 表示 Schema as String in swagger-ui

Swagger declaration schema = @Schema(implementation = Map.class) represents Schema as String in swagger-ui

我正在尝试创建 springdoc swagger 文档,我想以一种对客户来说更易读的方式来表示具有数据类型 Map<String, Object> 的请求正文。但是当我声明 @io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.parameters.RequestBody(content = @Content(schema = @Schema(implementation = Map.class) 时,架构将以 String 的形式出现(附在下面的屏幕截图中)


        @Operation(security = {@SecurityRequirement(name = "bearer-key")}, summary = "Create Data", operationId = "createData", description = "Create createData for the **`type`**. ")
    @ApiResponses(value = {
            @ApiResponse(responseCode = "201", description = "Data created", content = @Content(schema = @Schema(implementation = Map.class),
                    examples = {@ExampleObject(value = "{\n" +
                            "    \"id\": \"927d810c-3ac5-4584-ba58-7c11befabf54\",\n" +
            @ApiResponse(responseCode = "400", description = "BAD Request")})
    @PostMapping(value = "/data/type", produces = APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE, consumes = APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
    @io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.parameters.RequestBody(content = @Content(schema = @Schema(implementation = Map.class),
            examples = {@ExampleObject(value = "{\n" +
                    "            \"label\":\"tourism\",\n" +
                    "            \"location\":\"France\"\n" +
                    "         }")}))
    ResponseEntity<Map<String, Object>> createData(@Parameter(name = "type", required = true) @PathVariable("type") String type, @Parameter(name = "request payload") @Valid @RequestBody Map<String, Object> body);

虽然Spring引导会根据方法签名自动推断类型,但对于数据类型Map并不清楚。例如,默认情况下,类型 Map 将被推断如下

但我想以一种更易于理解的方式向引用我的 API 的客户展示架构。我可以看到 Github 中有一张没有正确解决方案的已关闭票证。根据我的要求,请求主体应该是类型不可知的动态键值对,因此除了以 Map<String, Object> 形式接收请求之外别无他法。有没有人用 Map 类型实现了比创建自定义 request/response 模型更好的方法?

这是 springdoc-openapi 库的默认行为,以便忽略 Spring MVC 支持的其他可注入参数。



分享我解决该问题的方法,我已经针对 @io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.parameters.RequestBody(content = @Content(schema = @Schema(implementation = Map.class) Schema is coming as String 问题做了一个解决方法。

我在 OpenAPI bean 声明中声明了一个名为 Map 的自定义模式,如下所示

new OpenAPI()
                .components(new Components()
                        .addSchemas("Map", new Schema<Map<String, Object>>().addProperties("< * >", new ObjectSchema())

并在 Schema 声明中使用上述模式,如下所示

            content = @Content(mediaType = APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE, 
                 schema = @Schema(ref = "#/components/schemas/Map"))


 @io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.responses.ApiResponse(responseCode = "200",
            content = @Content(mediaType = APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE, 
                 schema = @Schema(ref = "#/components/schemas/Map"))

注意:如果我们使用上述自定义模式方法,我们不需要更改或忽略 SpringDoc 内部使用的任何类型。

我有一个 API 端点,请求主体需要一个 HashMap。关于如何解决“示例值”问题的信息不多。 带我去正确的地方。为了完整起见,我发布了我的解决方案,但所有功劳都归功于他。 (PS:我试图赞成他的回答,但我没有足够的“积分”)


public class DocsConfiguration {
    public OpenAPI customOpenAPI() {
        Schema newUserSchema = new Schema<Map<String, Object>>()
                .addProperties("name",new StringSchema().example("John123"))
                .addProperties("password",new StringSchema().example("P4SSW0RD"))
                .addProperties("image",new StringSchema().example("https://robohash.org/John123.png"));

        return new OpenAPI()
                .info(new Info()
                        .title("Your app title")
                        .description("App description")
                        .license(new License().name("GNU/GPL").url("https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html"))
                .components(new Components()
                        .addSchemas("NewUserBody" , newUserSchema)


            content = @Content(mediaType = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE,
                    schema = @Schema(ref = "#/components/schemas/NewUserBody")))
    public Response<User> upsertUser(@RequestBody HashMap<String,Object> user) {
         //Your code here
  1. 我创建了一个 HashMap 扩展 class:

     @Schema(description = "Response-Object Map<String, EcoBalance).")
     public class EcoMap extends HashMap<String, EcoBalance> {
       public boolean isEmpty() {
         return super.isEmpty();
  2. 将其用作响应对象

     @ApiResponse(responseCode = "200", content = @Content(mediaType = .., schema = @Schema(implementation = EcoMap.class)), headers = ..
  3. 注意 OpenAPI 3 生成器不会生成这样的客户端模型,但在 openapi.yml 中被正确引用(甚至验证)。

我想更新 for my situation. I had to combine the answer by rodiri and this answer by Ondřej Černobila to the SO question SpringDoc - How to Add schemas programmatically。我正在使用 java 11、spring-boot-starter-parent 2.5.6 和 springdoc-openapi-ui 1.5.12,我认为它使用的是 swagger 3.52 .5

<!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.springdoc/springdoc-openapi-ui -->


import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.OpenAPIDefinition;
import io.swagger.v3.oas.models.media.ObjectSchema;
import io.swagger.v3.oas.models.media.StringSchema;
import org.springdoc.core.customizers.OpenApiCustomiser;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;

public class DocsConfiguration {

  public OpenApiCustomiser openApiCustomiser() {
    return openApi -> {
      var NewUserBodySchema = new ObjectSchema()
          .description("Object description")
          .addProperties("name", new StringSchema().example("John123"))
          .addProperties("password", new StringSchema().example("P4SSW0RD"))
          .addProperties("image", new StringSchema().example("https://robohash.org/John123.png"));

      var schemas = openApi.getComponents().getSchemas();
      schemas.put(NewUserBodySchema.getName(), NewUserBodySchema);


对于我的端点,我使用的是 returns 地图,因此它与接受的答案不同。

@GetMapping(value = "/{userId}")
    summary = "Get Something",
    description = "Some desciption",
    responses = {
            responseCode = "200",
            description = "The Map Response",
            content = {
                    mediaType = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE,
                    schema = @Schema(ref = "#/components/schemas/NewUserBody")
public ResponseEntity<Map<String, Object>> getMap(@PathVariable String userId) 

我今天 运行 自己解决了这个问题。事实证明,这实际上是 Swagger 的设计问题(@see )。


这是我的 OpenAPI,其中包含一个 Map<Integer,String>:

        info = @io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.info.Info(
                title = "ACME Inc. REST API",
                version = "1.0",
                description = "This is an overview of all REST endpoints of this application",
                contact = @io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.info.Contact(name = "John Doe", url = "https://acme-inc.com/", email = "john.doe@acme-inc.com")
public class OpenAPIConfig {
        public static final String ERROR_CODE_MAPPER = "ErrorCode-Mapper";

        public OpenApiCustomiser openApiCustomiser() {
                return openApi -> {
                        Components components = openApi.getComponents();
                        for(Schema<?> schema: buildCustomSchemas()) {
                                components.addSchemas(schema.getName(), schema);

        private static List<Schema<?>> buildCustomSchemas() {
                ArrayList<Schema<?>> result = new ArrayList<>();

                Schema<?> integerStringMap = new Schema<Map<Integer, String>>()
                        .addProperty("error code", new StringSchema().example("Error message belonging to the error code")).example(getErrorCodeExample());
                // Build more custom schemas...

                return result;

        private static Map<Integer, String> getErrorCodeExample() {
                Map<Integer, String> example = new HashMap<>();
                example.put(666, "Oh no..., the devil himself  showed up and stopped your request");
                return example;

(注意: 查找您的 swagger 源代码 io.swagger.v3.oas.models.media 以获得有用的实用程序 类,例如 StringSchema。您没有写一切从零开始。)

这是我的 REST 端点:

@Operation(summary = "This endpoint returns a list of system error codes, that can occur during processing requests.")
@ApiResponses(value = {
                responseCode = "200",
                description = "Map of all system error codes mapping to their messages",
                content = {@Content(mediaType = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE, schema = @Schema(ref = "#/components/schemas/"+ ERROR_CODE_MAPPER))}
public Map<Integer, String> listErrorCodes() {
    // return your map here...


重要的是要知道在 JSON 对象中,键总是 string 类型。因此不必显式编写类型。考虑到这一点,这是架构: