CS50 Caesar 密码在检查命令行参数后中断

CS50 Caesar cypher disrupts after checking command-line argument




#include <stdio.h>
#include <cs50.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>

int main(int argc, string argv[])

    if (argc != 2)
        printf("Usage: ./caesar key\n");
        return 1;

    for (int j = 0; j < strlen(argv[1]); j++)
        if (!(isdigit(argv[1][j])))
            printf("Usage: ./caesar key\n");
            return 1;


    int k = atoi(argv[1]);
    if (argc == 2 && k > 0)

        string s = get_string("plaintext: ");

        int m = k % 26;

        //introducing an array type char of string length size
        char cypher[strlen(s)];

        for (int i = 0; i < strlen(s);  i++)
            //checking if it's a letter, if yes then next if
            if (isalpha(s[i]))
                //checking if it's uppercase
                if (isupper(s[i]))
                    cypher[i] = (s[i] + m);
                    //make a round if it's beyond Z
                    if (cypher[i] > 'Z')
                        cypher[i] = cypher[i] - 26;

                // checking if it's lowercase
                else if (islower(s[i]))
                    //if it falls beyond ascii table
                    if ((s[i] + m) > 126)
                        cypher[i] = (s[i] - 26 + m );
                        cypher[i] = (s[i] + m);
                    //make a round if it's beyond z
                    if (cypher[i] > 'z')
                        cypher[i] = cypher[i] - 26;

            // if it's not a letter - keep the initial character, write it in the cypher
                cypher[i] = s[i];

        printf("ciphertext: %s\n", cypher);
        return 0;



C 中的 strlen 不考虑空字符 数组的长度应该是[strlen(s)+1]并且应该加上\0字符