应该使用哪个 Azure ServiceBus SDK?

Which Azure ServiceBus SDK should be used?

在此 post 时,sdk/servicebus 中有两个 Azure 服务总线 SDK:


这篇ms doc(两周前写的)指出;

This quickstart uses the new Azure.Messaging.ServiceBus package. For a quickstart that uses the old Microsoft.Azure.ServiceBus package, see ....

this 文件(也是两周前写的)说;

There are two supported Azure Service Bus .NET SDKs. Their APIs are similar, and it can be confusing which one to choose. Refer to the following table to help guide your decision. We suggest using the Microsoft.Azure.ServiceBus SDK as It's more modern, performant, and is cross-platform compatible. Additionally, it supports AMQP over WebSockets and is part of the Azure .NET SDK collection of open-source projects.

本文档接着提到 Microsoft.Azure.ServiceBus 较新,(又一个 SDK)WindowsAzure.ServiceBus 较旧。它根本没有提到 Azure.Messaging.ServiceBus

对于应该将哪个 SDK 用于新的 .NET Core 5.0 项目,有人有什么建议吗?

(我已经复习了 但没有帮助)

对于不依赖旧包的项目,使用Azure.Messaging.ServiceBus。对于其他所有内容,请查看依赖项。例如,Azure Functions 今天不能使用最新的包。它可能会在未来得到解决,而不是 ATM。我不久前写了一篇关于这 3 个包的文章 blog post。可能(或可能不会)帮助您解决问题。