Discord Bot 在嵌入消息 Discord .Net 上使用反应

Discord Bot Using Reactions on Embed Message Discord .Net

我的 Discord 机器人无法对嵌入消息添加反应时遇到了一些问题,它发送任何想法下面是我目前拥有的代码

        public async Task DisplayPic(string raid, string date)
            DateTime dateTime = DateTime.Parse(date);
            string day = dateTime.ToString("ddd");

             if (raid == "GoS" && day == "Fri")
               // Emote emote = ":thumbsup:";
                var filename = "Garden_of_Salvation_Friday.png";

                var embed = new EmbedBuilder()
                    Title = "Garden of Salvation",
                    Description = "Must be Level 1230",
                    ImageUrl = $"attachment://{filename}"

                var myReaction = new Emoji("");

                await Context.Channel.SendFileAsync(filename, embed: embed);
                await Context.Message.AddReactionAsync(myReaction);


IUserMessage sentMessage = await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(...);

在您的情况下,您想要添加一个反应,因此您可以按照在您提供的代码中在 Context.Message 上使用它的相同方式使用 AddReactionAsync 方法。

await sentMessage.AddReactionAsync(...);


var msg =  await Context.Channel.SendFileAsync(filename, embed: embed);
msg.AddReactionAsync(new Emoji(""));