PHP 函数选项中的变量

PHP Variable in function options

我想使用以下 FPDF 扩展来密码保护一些 PDF

function SetProtection($permissions=array(), $user_pass='ABC123', $owner_pass='ABC123!')

但是我希望 $user_pass 是上面定义的变量,例如出生日期。 到目前为止我尝试过的选项包括

function SetProtection($permissions=array(), $user_pass=''.$dateofbirth, $owner_pass='ABC123!')
function SetProtection($permissions=array(), $user_pass=$dateofbirth, $owner_pass='ABC123!')
function SetProtection($permissions=array(), $user_pass='".$dateofbirth."', $owner_pass='ABC123!')

但是我经常遇到同样的问题,密码基本上是 '' 中任何内容的纯文本,而不是变量,例如,在最后一种情况下,密码是 ".$dateofbirth." 输入的就是这样。





function SetProtection($permissions=array(), $user_pass=null, $owner_pass='ABC123!')
    // You can also check if empty string if you have a use-case where empty string
    // would also mean replace with $dateofbirth
    if ($user_pass === null) {
        global $dateofbirth;
        $user_pass = $dateofbirth;

$SetProtection = function ($permissions=array(), $user_pass=null, $owner_pass='ABC123!') use ($dateofbirth)
    // You can also check if empty string if you have a use-case where empty string
    // would also mean replace with $dateofbirth
    if ($user_pass === null) {
        $user_pass = $dateofbirth;

class SomeClass()
    private $dateofbirth;


    function SetProtection($permissions=array(), $user_pass=null, $owner_pass='ABC123!')
        // You can also check if empty string if you have a use-case where empty string
        // would also mean replace with $dateofbirth
        if ($user_pass === null) {
            $user_pass = $this->dateofbirth;
