
Ternary conditions to find expmod?

我正在阅读 SICP in JS 关于三元条件的非终止示例:

function is_even(n) {
    return n % 2 === 0;

function expmod(base, exp, m) {
    const half_exp = expmod(base, exp / 2, m);
    return exp === 0 ? 1
           : is_even(exp) ? half_exp * half_exp % m
           : base * expmod(base, exp - 1, m) % m;

console.log(expmod(4, 3, 5))


This would make the function not just inefficient, but actually non-terminating! The problem is that the constant declaration appears outside the conditional expression, which means that it is executed even when the base case exp === 0 is met.

我只是不明白它的想法,当 exp === 0 时,它以 1 终止,但是为什么 half_exp 被执行了?

I just cannot get its idea, when exp === 0, it terminate with 1 but why half_exp executed?

否,当 exp0 时,表达式不会以 1 结尾。 exp === 0 ? 1: is_even(exp) 将计算为 1 并且整个表达式将作为下一个三元运算符的条件。由于 1 是一个真实值,因此整个表达式的计算结果将是 half_exp * half_exp % m

//Initial expression
(exp === 0 ? 1
   : is_even(exp)) ? (half_exp * half_exp % m)
   : (base * expmod(base, exp - 1, m) % m);

//Put exp = 1
(1 === 0 ? 1
   : is_even(exp)) ? (half_exp * half_exp % m)
   : (base * expmod(base, exp - 1, m) % m);

//Evaluate the first ternary expression
(1) ? (half_exp * half_exp % m)
   : (base * expmod(base, exp - 1, m) % m);

//The result of first will convert to boolean
Boolean(1) ? (half_exp * half_exp % m)
   : (base * expmod(base, exp - 1, m) % m);

//The result of first expression acts as condition for second ternary operator
true ? (half_exp * half_exp % m)
   : (base * expmod(base, exp - 1, m) % m);

//As condition is true to first expression is returned
(half_exp * half_exp % m)


function expmod(base, exp, m) {
    const half_exp = expmod(base, exp / 2, m); // <- recursive call
    // code ...



您已将 half_exp 变量放入条件表达式中,并期望它在使用之前不会计算其初始值设定项。



您可以通过 运行 以下代码段查看:

const foo = console.log("I'm executed!")
//`foo` is never used, but the code will print "I'm executed!" anyway

您还可以通过查看 ECMAScript Specification.


LexicalBinding : BindingIdentifier Initializer

  1. Let bindingId be StringValue of BindingIdentifier.

  2. Let lhs be ResolveBinding(bindingId).

  3. If IsAnonymousFunctionDefinition(Initializer) is true, then

    a. Let value be NamedEvaluation of Initializer with argument bindingId.

  4. Else,

    a. Let rhs be the result of evaluating Initializer *.
    b. Let value be ? GetValue(rhs).

  5. Return InitializeReferencedBinding(lhs, value).

*: Emphasis mine.



      // v-------------------------------------------+
function expmod(base, exp, m) {                   // |
    const half_exp = expmod(base, exp / 2, m); // ---+
                  // ^^^^^^--- This will always be called
    // This line is not even reached!
    return exp === 0 ? 1
           : is_even(exp) ? half_exp * half_exp % m
           : base * expmod(base, exp - 1, m) % m;



function is_even(n) {
    return n % 2 === 0;

function expmod(base, exp, m) {
    return exp === 0 ? 1
           : is_even(exp) ? expmod(base, exp / 2, m) ** 2 % m
           : base * expmod(base, exp - 1, m) % m;

console.log(expmod(4, 3, 5)) //4

在其他情况下,如果没有这种直接的方法,我们可以通过其他方式重构代码,例如,使用 ifs:

function is_even(n) {
    return n % 2 === 0;

function expmod(base, exp, m) {
    if(exp === 0)
      return 1;
      // We are in a conditional statement, so it's safe to call:
      const half_exp = expmod(base, exp / 2, m)
      return half_exp * half_exp % m
    return base * expmod(base, exp - 1, m) % m;

console.log(expmod(4, 3, 5)) //4