
How can I enable moodle?

我已经为 moodle 安装了 postgres,我得到了以下说明:

Apache/mod_php setup
  • Give full access to the project directory to the process running apache. You might also have to set the x-flag on all .php files. $ chmod -R a+rw * Create a 'moodle.vhost.conf' from moodle.vhost.conf.example in project directory. * Create a symlink from /usr/local/var/moodle to the project directory. $ cd /usr/local/var; ln -s moodle * Also symlink the new virtual host into apache config dir. $ cd /private/etc/apache2/other $ sudo ln -s /moodle.vhost.conf moodle.conf $ sudo apachectl restart * Create your own custom /etc/vcmoodle/config_local.php file for things local to your environment by copying, and modifying if required, the example file. $ sudo mkdir -p /etc/vcmoodle $ sudo cp /config_local.php.example /etc/vcmoodle/config_local.php

还是不行。当我查看我的 apache 根时,它只是标准的 apache 页面,没有 moodle。我有这个sites-available

:/etc/apache2/sites-available$ ls
000-default.conf  default-ssl.conf  moodle.conf

和文件 moodle.conf 内容

<VirtualHost *:80>
   DocumentRoot "/usr/local/var/moodle"
   ServerName moodle.localdev.kth.se

   ErrorLog /usr/local/var/moodle/error_log
   LogLevel debug

   <Directory "/usr/local/var/moodle">
     AllowOverride all
     Order allow,deny
     Allow from

但是我的网络服务器上没有 Moodle 页面。我做错了什么?

如果你是运行Ubuntu(根据标签判断),你需要把你的项目目录放在/var/www里面。 Apache 无法访问指定目录中的项目文件夹,除非您更改 users/groups 等

您尝试过的是 Web 文件夹的正常 apache 默认位置,但是 Ubuntu 想改变一些东西。