How divide result from text field to label and get it on another label
我需要完成 (Label) = totalAmount(TextField) / adam (Label)。
import UIKit
var plusAndMinus = 0
class ViewController234: UIViewController {
@IBOutlet weak var adam: UILabel!
@IBAction func plus(_ sender: Any) {
plusAndMinus += 1
adam.text = "\(plusAndMinus)"
@IBAction func minus(_ sender: Any) {
if(plusAndMinus != 0 ) {
plusAndMinus -= 1
adam.text = "\(plusAndMinus)"
// Write total amonunt to calculate
@IBOutlet weak var totalAmount: UITextField!
@IBAction func equal(_ sender: Any) {
var adam = 0
var totalAmount = 0
var result = 0
adam = Int(adam)
totalAmount = Int(totalAmount)
guard result != 0 else {return}
result = totalAmount / adam
finish.text = String(result)
//Show calculated
// finish = totalAmount / adam
@IBOutlet weak var finish: UILabel!
在我看来,您只是在访问局部变量,而不是 equal()
最好为局部变量和 class 属性使用不同的名称以避免混淆。
所以首先让我们验证文本字段包含可以转换为 Int 变量的值,否则 return 直接使用 guard
@IBAction func equal(_ sender: Any) {
guard let text = Adam.text, let adamValue = Int(text), adamValue != 0,
let totalAmountValue = Int(totalAmount.text!) else { return }
let result = totalAmountValue / adamValue
finish.text = String(result)
通过使用整数,我们进行整数除法并因此失去精度,如果你想保持精度,你可以在上面的代码中切换到 Double 并可能添加一些结果格式
@IBAction func equal(_ sender: Any) {
guard let text = Adam.text, let adamValue = Double(text), adamValue != 0,
let totalAmountValue = Double(totalAmount.text!) else { return }
let result = totalAmountValue / adamValue
finish.text = String(format: "%.2f", result)
我不确定你的 finish
enum InputError: Error {
case emptyAdamLabel
case emptyTotalAmountLabel
case divideByZero
case invalidFormat
func calculate() throws {
if let adamText = adam.text, adamText.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespacesAndNewlines) == "" {
throw InputError.emptyAdamLabel
} else if let total = totalAmount.text, total.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespacesAndNewlines) == "" {
throw InputError.emptyTotalAmountLabel
} else if let adamText = adam.text, adamText == "0" {
throw InputError.divideByZero
} else if let adamNumber = Double(adam.text!), let totalAmountNumber = Double(totalAmount.text!) {
finish.text = String(format: "%.2f", totalAmountNumber / adamNumber)
} else {
throw InputError.invalidFormat
@IBAction func equal(_ sender: Any) {
do {
try calculate()
} catch InputError.emptyAdamLabel {
print("Adam's label cannot be empty")
} catch InputError.emptyTotalAmountLabel {
print("Total Amount's label cannot be empty")
} catch InputError.divideByZero {
print("Adam's label cannot be zero")
} catch InputError.invalidFormat {
print("Both Adam's label and Total Amount's label have to be integers")
} catch {
print("Unknown errors")
adam.text = "0"
totalAmount.text = "0"
我需要完成 (Label) = totalAmount(TextField) / adam (Label)。 这是我的代码:
import UIKit
var plusAndMinus = 0
class ViewController234: UIViewController {
@IBOutlet weak var adam: UILabel!
@IBAction func plus(_ sender: Any) {
plusAndMinus += 1
adam.text = "\(plusAndMinus)"
@IBAction func minus(_ sender: Any) {
if(plusAndMinus != 0 ) {
plusAndMinus -= 1
adam.text = "\(plusAndMinus)"
// Write total amonunt to calculate
@IBOutlet weak var totalAmount: UITextField!
@IBAction func equal(_ sender: Any) {
var adam = 0
var totalAmount = 0
var result = 0
adam = Int(adam)
totalAmount = Int(totalAmount)
guard result != 0 else {return}
result = totalAmount / adam
finish.text = String(result)
//Show calculated
// finish = totalAmount / adam
@IBOutlet weak var finish: UILabel!
在我看来,您只是在访问局部变量,而不是 equal()
最好为局部变量和 class 属性使用不同的名称以避免混淆。
所以首先让我们验证文本字段包含可以转换为 Int 变量的值,否则 return 直接使用 guard
@IBAction func equal(_ sender: Any) {
guard let text = Adam.text, let adamValue = Int(text), adamValue != 0,
let totalAmountValue = Int(totalAmount.text!) else { return }
let result = totalAmountValue / adamValue
finish.text = String(result)
通过使用整数,我们进行整数除法并因此失去精度,如果你想保持精度,你可以在上面的代码中切换到 Double 并可能添加一些结果格式
@IBAction func equal(_ sender: Any) {
guard let text = Adam.text, let adamValue = Double(text), adamValue != 0,
let totalAmountValue = Double(totalAmount.text!) else { return }
let result = totalAmountValue / adamValue
finish.text = String(format: "%.2f", result)
我不确定你的 finish
enum InputError: Error {
case emptyAdamLabel
case emptyTotalAmountLabel
case divideByZero
case invalidFormat
func calculate() throws {
if let adamText = adam.text, adamText.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespacesAndNewlines) == "" {
throw InputError.emptyAdamLabel
} else if let total = totalAmount.text, total.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespacesAndNewlines) == "" {
throw InputError.emptyTotalAmountLabel
} else if let adamText = adam.text, adamText == "0" {
throw InputError.divideByZero
} else if let adamNumber = Double(adam.text!), let totalAmountNumber = Double(totalAmount.text!) {
finish.text = String(format: "%.2f", totalAmountNumber / adamNumber)
} else {
throw InputError.invalidFormat
@IBAction func equal(_ sender: Any) {
do {
try calculate()
} catch InputError.emptyAdamLabel {
print("Adam's label cannot be empty")
} catch InputError.emptyTotalAmountLabel {
print("Total Amount's label cannot be empty")
} catch InputError.divideByZero {
print("Adam's label cannot be zero")
} catch InputError.invalidFormat {
print("Both Adam's label and Total Amount's label have to be integers")
} catch {
print("Unknown errors")
adam.text = "0"
totalAmount.text = "0"