boost::variant 将 static_visitor 应用于某些类型

boost::variant apply static_visitor to certain types


typedef boost::variant<int, float, bool> TypeVariant;

我想创建一个访问者,将 intfloat 类型转换为 bool 类型。

struct ConvertToBool : public boost::static_visitor<TypeVariant> {

    TypeVariant operator()(int a) const {
        return (bool)a;

    TypeVariant operator()(float a) const {
        return (bool)a;


'TypeVariant ConvertToBool::operator ()(float) const': cannot convert argument 1 from 'T' to 'float'



Live On Coliru

#include <boost/variant.hpp>
#include <iostream>

using TypeVariant = boost::variant<int, float, bool>;

struct ConvertToBool {
    using result_type = TypeVariant;
    TypeVariant operator()(TypeVariant const& v) const {
        return boost::apply_visitor(*this, v);

    TypeVariant operator()(int   a) const { return a != 0; }
    TypeVariant operator()(float a) const { return a != 0; }
    TypeVariant operator()(bool  a) const { return a; }
} static constexpr to_bool{};

int main() {
    using V = TypeVariant;
    for (V v : {V{}, {42}, {3.14f}, {true}}) {
        std::cout << v << " -> " << std::boolalpha << to_bool(v) << "\n";



template <typename T> TypeVariant operator()(T const& a) const {
    return static_cast<bool>(a);


Live On Coliru

#include <boost/variant.hpp>
#include <iostream>

using TypeVariant = boost::variant<int, float, bool>;

struct ConvertToBool {
    using result_type = TypeVariant;
    TypeVariant operator()(TypeVariant const& v) const {
        return boost::apply_visitor(*this, v);

    template <typename T> TypeVariant operator()(T const& a) const {
        return static_cast<bool>(a);
} static constexpr to_bool{};

int main() {
    using V = TypeVariant;

    for (V v : { V{}, { 42 }, { 3.14f }, { true } }) {
        std::cout << v << " -> " << std::boolalpha << to_bool(v) << "\n";


0 -> false
42 -> true
3.14 -> true
true -> true