Sabre PQ 记录号无效

Sabre PQ Record number not valid

我在 CERT 中执行两人机票预订时收到以下回复:

SabreCommandLLSRQ:PQ 记录号无效



<ns2:PassengerDetailsRQ xmlns:ns2 = "" xmlns:ns3 = "" haltOnError = "true" ignoreOnError = "false"
version = "3.4.0">
  <ns2:RedisplayReservation />
    <ns2:EndTransaction Ind = "true">
      <ns2:Email Ind = "true" />
    <ns2:Source ReceivedFrom = "House of Rock" />
  <ns2:Link nameNumber = "1.1" record = "1" />
  <ns2:Link nameNumber = "2.1" record = "2" />
          <ns2:PaymentCard Code = "VI" ExpireDate = "2024-04" Number = "4111111111111111" />
      <ns2:Remark Type = "General">
        <ns2:Text>TEST GENERAL REMARK 1</ns2:Text>
      <ns2:Remark Type = "Hidden">
        <ns2:Text>TEST HIDDEN REMARK</ns2:Text>
      <ns2:Remark Type = "Historical">
        <ns2:Text>TEST HISTORICAL REMARK</ns2:Text>
      <ns2:AddressLine>House of Rock</ns2:AddressLine>
      <ns2:CityName>Santa Monica</ns2:CityName>
      <ns2:StateCountyProv StateCode = "CA" />
      <ns2:StreetNmbr>1 Lincoln Blvd</ns2:StreetNmbr>
    <ns2:Ticketing TicketType = "7T-A" />
      <ns2:ContactNumber NameNumber = "1.1" Phone = "7802352706" PhoneUseType = "H" />
      <ns2:ContactNumber NameNumber = "2.1" Phone = "7802352706" PhoneUseType = "H" />
    <ns2:Email Address = "" NameNumber = "1.1" />
    <ns2:PersonName NameNumber = "1.1">
    <ns2:PersonName NameNumber = "2.1">

您需要在 PriceQuoteInfo 中参考为每个乘客类型创建的报价。 如果您尝试为两个成人预订,则必须为两个成人提供相同的价格记录编号。

基本上,您参考了之前定价响应中的 TravelItineraryReadRS/PricedItinerary 记录。

所以你的 PriceQuoteInfo 应该看起来像这样:

  <ns2:Link nameNumber = "1.1" record = "1" />
  <ns2:Link nameNumber = "2.1" record = "1" />