Python 根据输入参数模拟掷骰子的函数 1) 骰子个数 2) 掷出的次数

Python function that simulates rolling dice based on input parameters 1) number of dice 2) Number of rolls

我一直在查看堆栈并花了几个小时浏览以尝试解决这个问题。 任务是:
编写一个名为 dicerolls 的 Python 函数来模拟掷骰子。你的函数应该有两个参数:骰子的数量 k 和掷骰子的次数 n。该函数应模拟随机滚动 k 个骰子 n 次,跟踪每个总面值。然后它应该 return 一个字典,其中包含每个可能的总面值出现的次数。因此,将函数调用为 diceroll(k=2, n=1000) 应该 return 像这样的字典:{2:19,3:50,4:82,5:112,6:135,7:174 ,8:133,9:114,10:75,11:70,12:36}

到目前为止,我已经设法定义了 dice 函数,但我正在努力的地方是将 k(掷骰数)添加到 dicerolls 函数中。我目前拥有的:

from numpy import random

def dice():
    return random.randint(1, 7)

def diceroll(number_of_times):
    counter = {n : 0 for n in range(2, 13)}

    for i in range(number_of_times):
        first_dice = dice()
        second_dice = dice()
        total = first_dice + second_dice
        counter[total] += 1
    return counter


输出: {2:19, 3: 49, 4:96, 5:112, 6:150, 7:171, 8:151, 9:90, 10:89, 11:47, 12:26}



import random

def diceroll(k, n, dice_sides=6):
    # prepare dictionary with zero values for all possible results
    counter = {n : 0 for n in range(k, k*dice_sides + 1)}

    # roll all the dice
    for i in range(n):
        dice_sum = sum(random.choices(range(1, dice_sides + 1), k = k))
        counter[dice_sum] += 1
    return counter

diceroll(k=2, n=1000)

输出: {2:20, 3: 49, 4:91, 5:116, 6:140, 7:138, 8:173, 9:112, 10:72, 11:65, 12:24}

您可以使用 collectors.counter 来跟踪滚动。
此外,这可能取决于偏好,但没有理由为像随机这样简单的东西导入 numpy。

In [1]: import random

In [2]: from collections import Counter

In [3]: def dice():
   ...:     return random.randint(1,7)

In [4]: def dice_roll(number_of_times):
   ...:     counter = Counter()
   ...:     for i in range(number_of_times):
   ...:         first_dice = dice()
   ...:         second_dice = dice()
   ...:         total = first_dice + second_dice
   ...:         counter[total] += 1
   ...:     return counter

In [5]: def multiple_rolls(k, number_of_times):
   ...:     final_counter = Counter()
   ...:     for i in range(k):
   ...:         final_counter.update(dice_roll(number_of_times))
   ...:     return final_counter

In [6]: multiple_rolls(2, 1000)

Counter({9: 247,
         5: 170,
         10: 198,
         6: 196,
         8: 251,
         4: 123,
         12: 102,
         7: 249,
         14: 44,
         2: 44,
         11: 184,
         3: 105,
         13: 87})

您可以利用随机函数一次提供多个相同函数:random.choices(iterable, k=number of results)。这比多次掷 1 个骰子并将值相加要快。


import random

def diceroll(number_of_dices, number_of_times, dice_sides=6):
    # prepare dictionary with zero values for all possible results
    counter = {n : 0 for n in range(number_of_dices, number_of_dices*dice_sides + 1)}

    # roll all the dice
    for i in range(number_of_times):
        dice_sum = sum(random.choices(range(1, dice_sides + 1), k = number_of_dices))
        counter[dice_sum] += 1

    return counter

print(diceroll(3, 100))


{ 3:  0,  4: 1,  5: 1,  6: 7,  7: 10,  8: 10,  9: 16, 10: 10, 
 11: 19, 12: 8, 13: 8, 14: 3, 15:  4, 16: 2,  17:  1, 18: 0}

如果你真的想使用 numpy,这会更快,但如果你有大量的掷骰和骰子,速度才会明显更快:

def diceroll(k, n, dice_sides=6):
    rolls = np.random.randint(dice_sides, size = (k, n)) + 1
    counter = {k:v for k, v in zip(*np.unique(rolls.sum(1), return_counts = True))}
    return counter

diceroll(1000, 2)
{2: 31,
 3: 49,
 4: 105,
 5: 120,
 6: 136,
 7: 163,
 8: 152,
 9: 109,
 10: 70,
 11: 40,
 12: 25}