如何在 Cloud Datastore 中使用事务

How to use transactions in Cloud Datastore

我想通过 Java 使用 Cloud Compute 中的 Datastore,我正在关注 Getting started with Google Cloud Datastore

我的用例非常标准 - 读取一个实体(查找),修改它并保存新版本。我想在事务中执行此操作,这样如果有两个进程执行此操作,第二个进程将不会覆盖第一个进程所做的更改。


How to identify a failed transaction? Probably a DatastoreException with some specific code or name will be thrown?


// Begin the transaction.
BeginTransactionRequest begin = BeginTransactionRequest.newBuilder()
ByteString txn = datastore.beginTransaction(begin)
try {
  // Zero or more transactional lookup()s or runQuerys().
  // ...

  // Followed by a commit().
  CommitRequest commit = CommitRequest.newBuilder()
} catch (Exception e) {
  // If a transactional operation fails for any reason,
  // attempt to roll back. 
  RollbackRequest rollback = RollbackRequest.newBuilder()
  try {
  } catch (DatastoreException de) {
    // Rollback may fail due to a transient error or if
    // the transaction was already committed.
  // Propagate original exception.
  throw e;

commit()try 块内的另一个 lookup()runQuery() 调用可能会引发异常。在每种情况下,清理事务都很重要。

Should I issue a rollback explicitly? Can I assume that if a transaction fails, nothing from it will be written?

除非您确定 commit() 成功,否则您应该明确发出 rollback() 请求。但是,失败的 commit() 并不一定意味着没有写入数据。请参阅 this page.


Should I retry?

您可以使用指数退避算法重试。但是,频繁的事务失败可能表明您尝试过于频繁地写入 entity group.

Is there any documentation on that?
