Solaris 中 Git 和 "GNU Interactive Tools" 之间的冲突

Conflict between Git and "GNU Interactive Tools" in Solaris

第一次尝试在我公司的 Solaris 盒子上使用 git。 尝试任何 git 指令时出现以下错误:

-bash-4.4$ uname -a
SunOS bhmserpdev 5.11 sun4v sparc sun4v

-bash-4.4$ git init
GNU Interactive Tools 4.3.17 (sparc-sun-solaris2.5.1), 09:52:57 Jun  1 1998
GIT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version.
Copyright (C) 1993-1998 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Written by Tudor Hulubei and Andrei Pitis, Bucharest, Romania

git: can't find section [GIT-FTI] in the configuration file.

-bash-4.4$ git --version
git: invalid option -- -

-bash-4.4$ git -v
GNU Interactive Tools 4.3.17

-bash-4.4$ type git
git is /usr/local/bin/git

-bash-4.4$ git
git        gitkeys    gitmount   gitregrep  gitrgrep   gitview    gitxgrep
gitaction  gitmkdirs  gitps      gitrfgrep  gitunpack  gitwipe

看起来是另外一回事。。如果我们谈论的是 gnu/linux 盒子,我会说将两个东西命名为“git”不会有问题,只要它们安装在不同的地方 当您想使用一个或另一个(或指定完整路径)时,您正在正确设置路径。在 solaris 机器上,我会假设同样适用,但我不确定。