如何使用带 discord.py 的 aiohttp 读取 API 响应的所有页面?

How can I read all pages of an API response using aiohttp with discord.py?

我正在使用 discord.py 重写和 aiohttp。这个 API 的文档很少,据我所知,我在响应中的任何地方都没有看到“next_page” link。

如何才能在执行查询时考虑 json 响应的所有页面,而不仅仅是默认的第一页?


async def command(ctx, *, name):
    if not name:
        return await ctx.channel.send('Uhhhh. How am I supposed to show you info if you don\'t enter a name?')
    async with ctx.channel.typing():
        async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as cs:
            async with cs.get("https://website.items.json") as r:
                data = await r.json()
                listings = data["items"]
                for k in listings:
                    if name.lower() == k["name"].lower():
                        await ctx.channel.send("message with results and player info as ascertained in the above code")```




for page_number in range(1,total_pages):
    url = f'https://theshownation.com/mlb20/apis/items.json?page={page_number}'



async def card(ctx, *, player_name):
    if not player_name:
        return await ctx.channel.send('Uhhhh. How am I supposed to show you player info if you don\'t enter a player name?')

    async with ctx.channel.typing():
        async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as cs:
            for page_number in range(1, 20):
                async with cs.get(f"https://theshownation.com/mlb20/apis/items.json?page={page_number}") as r:
                    data = await r.json()
                    listings = data["items"]
                    for k in listings:
                        if player_name.lower() == k["name"].lower():
                            return await ctx.channel.send("message with results and player info as ascertained in the above code")

    await ctx.send('Sorry could not find him')