
How to show records filtered by specific category

如何使用 if 在我的 blade 文件中列出特定类别的音乐家?


public function group()
    return view('pages.group', [
        'musicians' => Musician::where('category_id', 10)->get()


@foreach($musicians as $musician)
    <p>{{ $musician->musician_name }} {{ $musician->musician_surname }}</p>

it works thanks. but if I wanted to print on one line the musicians of the category with id 10 and on another line the musicians of the category with id 40? always on the same blade file

public function group()
    return view('musicians', [
        'categories' => Musician::get()->groupBy(function($item) {
            return $item->category_id;
@foreach($categories as $catetory)
    @foreach($category as $key => $musician)
        <p>{{ $musician->musician_name }} {{ $musician->musician_surname }}</p>