JSON:API 中不区分大小写的过滤

Case insensitive filtering in JSON:API

我正在尝试对 json:api 端点执行筛选。 如果 db 中的名称恰好是 test name?filter[name]=test name 工作正常。但是如果名称是 Test nametEst name 或任何其他可能的组合,我希望服务器 return 我的值。我该怎么做?



JSON:API is agnostic about the strategies supported by a server. The filter query parameter can be used as the basis for any number of filtering strategies.


它包含与您的 URL 设计相匹配的过滤策略建议:

It’s recommended that servers that wish to support filtering of a resource collection based upon associations do so by allowing query parameters that combine filter with the association name.

For example, the following is a request for all comments associated with a particular post:

GET /comments?filter[post]=1 HTTP/1.1



请注意,在 URL 中编码比较运算符的策略也是有效的。例如。您可以像这样在查询参数中编码比较运算符:

GET /companies?filter[name][equalsCaseInsensitive]=test%20name

GET /companies?filter[name][equalsCaseSensitive]=test%20name

GET /companies?filter[sales][greaterThan]=100000