
Nvl function with multiple row set in oracle

我对 oracle 中的 NVL 函数有疑问。 如果我将 periods 变量发送为 null 它是 working.There query.I 中没有数据意味着 NVL 函数正常工作。 如果我发送 periods 变量,例如 10 ,它会给出这样的错误


此代码块不起作用,因为 select 查询 returns 多于一行

Select .......  FROM students st, orders od  
WHERE  st.id IN NVL((select id from students 
             where student_id = 321
     ORDER BY id desc
          FETCH FIRST periods ROWS ONLY),(od.countNo)) 

我尝试在 where 块中使用 case when 但我无法使用 it.Do 你知道吗?

如果将 IN 更改为 =,您会得到同样的错误。 IN 可以处理来自子查询的多行集合,但 NVL()= 不能。

如果您坚持使用 NVL,请将您的子查询更改为 return 最多 1 行:

-- using periods=1
Select .......  FROM students st, orders od  
WHERE  st.id = NVL((select id from students 
                  where student_id = 321
                  ORDER BY id desc
                  FETCH FIRST 1 ROWS ONLY),(od.countNo)); 

-- using an aggregate function
Select .......  FROM students st, orders od  
WHERE  st.id = NVL((select max(id) from students 
                  where student_id = 321),(od.countNo));

或者如果您需要多行,请重写您的查询以不使用 NVL:

Select .......  FROM students st, orders od  
WHERE EXISTS (select 1 from students 
               where student_id = 321
                 and st.id = students.id
               ORDER BY students.id desc
               FETCH FIRST periods ROWS ONLY)
      OR st.id = od.countNo;


with s3 as (
       select id 
       from students 
       where student_id = 321
       ORDER BY id desc
       FETCH FIRST periods ROWS ONLY
Select .......  FROM students st, orders od  
where st.id in (select id from s3) or
      (not exists (select 1 from s3) and st.id = od.countNo);