是否可以在 MacOS 上的 VBA Word 2016 中读写内容类型属性?

Is it possible to read and write Content Type Properties in VBA Word 2016 on MacOS?

我正在使用 Word dotm 文件作为 SharePoint 内容类型的模板。该文字模板包含一个表单,由 Document_New() 事件中的语句打开。该表单上的组合框包含内容类型 属性 的值。 VBA 用于通过 Document.ContentTypeProperties:

Me.cmbComboBox.Text = ThisDocument.ContentTypeProperties("NameOfContentTypeProperty")

这适用于 Windows 上的 Word 2016。但在 MacOS 上的 Word 2016 中,此调用会导致以下错误:

Run-time error 5948 This command is not available on this platform.


有谁知道如何在 MacOS 上的 VBA Word 2016 中读写这些内容类型属性?

如果 Mac 的命令不存在,您可能必须使用 AppleScript。不幸的是,我无法在 AppleScript 方面为您提供帮助,而且我无法从 MS 找到任何关于 Mac.


这是一个编译器指令,允许您在 Mac 或 PC 上 运行 不同的代码。

'Test the conditional compiler constant #Mac
#If Mac Then
'I am a Mac
    Me.cmbComboBox.Text = AppleScriptTask ("MyAppleScriptFile.applescript", "myapplescripthandler", "my parameter string") 
'I am Windows
    Me.cmbComboBox.Text = ThisDocument.ContentTypeProperties("NameOfContentTypeProperty")
#End If

我通过使用以下函数编辑文档的 XML 来设法读取和写入内容类型属性。这适用于 Mac 和 PC。

Function getContentTypeProperty(strElementName As String, docDocument As Word.Document) As String

    Dim xmlNode As CustomXMLNode
    Dim xmlPart As CustomXMLPart

    Set xmlPart = docDocument.CustomXMLParts.SelectByNamespace("http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/2006/metadata/properties").Item(1)

    Set xmlNode = xmlPart.SelectSingleNode("/ns0:properties/documentManagement/ns3:" & strElementName)

    If xmlNode Is Nothing Then
        getContentTypeProperty = ""
        getContentTypeProperty = xmlNode.Text
    End If

End Function

Function setContentTypeProperty(strElementName As String, docDocument As Word.Document, strValue As String) As Boolean

    Dim xmlNode As CustomXMLNode
    Dim xmlPart As CustomXMLPart

    Set xmlPart = docDocument.CustomXMLParts.SelectByNamespace("http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/2006/metadata/properties").Item(1)

    Set xmlNode = xmlPart.SelectSingleNode("/ns0:properties/documentManagement/ns3:" & strElementName)

    If xmlNode Is Nothing Then
        setContentTypeProperty = False
        If getAttributeValueByName(xmlNode.Attributes, "nil") = "true" Then setAttributeValueByName xmlNode.Attributes, "nil", "false"
        xmlNode.Text = strValue
        setContentTypeProperty = True
    End If

End Function

Function getAttributeValueByName(xmlAttributes As CustomXMLNodes, strAttributeName As String) As String

    Dim xmlAttribute As CustomXMLNode
    Dim strValue As String

    For Each xmlAttribute In xmlAttributes  
        If xmlAttribute.BaseName = strAttributeName Then strValue = xmlAttribute.NodeValue

    getAttributeValueByName = strValue

End Function