有没有办法知道是否有人有 blocked/blacklisted 我的 twilio 号码?

Is there a way to know if someone has blocked/blacklisted my twilio number?

Twilio 是否有一些功能可以让我们检查我们的 twilio 号码是否已被某人blocked/blacklisted。

根据this support article

If the message has the "undelivered" status, this means that delivery of your message failed after Twilio sent the message to the carrier.

如果您收到“错误 30004/消息传递 - 消息被阻止”,您还可以判断是否有人阻止了您的号码

If a message you sent is not delivered to the end device and returns a 30004 error code, this means that delivery of your message failed because the destination is blocked from receiving this message.
