如何使用 core.async 个通道对 Rx 的“withLatestFrom”进行建模?

How to model Rx's `withLatestFrom` with core.async channels?

例如,给定一个带有操作的通道和另一个带有数据的通道,如何编写一个 go 块来将操作应用于数据通道上的最后一个值?

(go-loop []
  (let [op (<! op-ch)
        data (<! data-ch)]
    (put! result-ch (op data))))


(参见 http://rxmarbles.com/#withLatestFrom


下面显示的 with-latest-from 实现了与 RxJS 的 withLatestFrom 相同的行为(我认为 :P)。

(require '[clojure.core.async :as async])

(def op-ch (async/chan))
(def data-ch (async/chan))

(defn with-latest-from [chs f]
  (let [result-ch (async/chan)
        latest    (vec (repeat (count chs) nil))
        index     (into {} (map vector chs (range)))]
    (async/go-loop [latest latest]
      (let [[value ch] (async/alts! chs)
            latest     (assoc latest (index ch) value)]
        (when-not (some nil? latest)
          (async/put! result-ch (apply f latest)))
        (when value (recur latest))))

(def result-ch (with-latest-from [op-ch data-ch] str))

(async/go-loop []
  (prn (async/<! result-ch))

(async/put! op-ch :+)
;= true
(async/put! data-ch 1)
;= true
; ":+1"
(async/put! data-ch 2)
;= true
; ":+2"
(async/put! op-ch :-)
;= true
; ":-2"

alts! 有一个 :priority true 选项。

始终returns 某个频道中最新看到的值的表达式看起来像这样:

(def in-chan (chan))

(def mem (chan))

(go (let [[ch value] (alts! [in-chan mem] :priority true)]
    (take! mem)      ;; clear mem (take! is non-blocking)
    (>! mem value)   ;; put the new (or old) value in the mem
    value            ;; return a chan with the value in

它未经测试,可能效率不高(volatile 变量可能更好)。 go-block returns 一个只有值的通道,但这个想法可以扩展到一些 "memoized" 通道。