使用 Fluro (Flutter web) 导航

Navigation with Fluro (Flutter web)



  1. 当路线改变时,它会从 URL
  2. 中消失
  3. 当我尝试在浏览器中后退或前进时,它没有做任何事情。

我正在尝试将 Fluro package. I'm also trying to compare their example 与我的 Fluro package. I'm also trying to compare their example 一起使用,但我没有发现有什么区别。 main.dart:

void main() {

class AppComponent extends StatefulWidget {
  State createState() {
    return _AppComponentState();

class _AppComponentState extends State<AppComponent> {
  _AppComponentState() {
    final router = FluroRouter();
    Application.router = router;

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
      title: 'NexTeam',
      debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false,
      initialRoute: kHomeRoute,
      onGenerateRoute: Application.router.generator,
class Application {
  static FluroRouter router;


class Routes {
  final router = FluroRouter();

  static Handler _loginHandler = Handler(handlerFunc: (BuildContext context, Map<String, dynamic> params) => LoginPage());
  static Handler _registerHandler = Handler(handlerFunc: (BuildContext context, Map<String, dynamic> params) => RegisterPage());
  static Handler _homeHandler = Handler(handlerFunc: (BuildContext context, Map<String, dynamic> params) => HomePage());
  static Handler _profileHandler = Handler(handlerFunc: (BuildContext context, Map<String, dynamic> params) => ProfilePage());
  static Handler _notificationsHandler = Handler(handlerFunc: (BuildContext context, Map<String, dynamic> params) => NotificationsPage());
  static Handler _chatHandler = Handler(handlerFunc: (BuildContext context, Map<String, dynamic> params) => ChatPage());

  static void configureRoutes(FluroRouter router) {
    router.define(kLoginRoute, handler: _loginHandler);
    router.define(kRegisterRoute, handler: _registerHandler);
    router.define(kHomeRoute, handler: _homeHandler);
    router.define(kProfileRoute, handler: _profileHandler);
    router.define(kNotificationsRoute, handler: _notificationsHandler);
    router.define(kChatRoute, handler: _chatHandler);


Application.router.navigateTo(context, kNotificationsRoute);

我仍然不知道为什么,但问题是我的所有页面都以 MaterialApp 开头,解决方案是使用 Material.