作为参数传递的 ViewController 未被取消初始化 (Swift)

ViewController passed as parameter is not being deinitialized (Swift)

设置: 我有一个 ViewController ProblemViewclass A。我将 ProblemView 传递给 class A,这样我就可以处理它了。它看起来像这样(简化):

class ProblemView: UIViewController{
    var instanceOfA = A()
    instanceOfA.passView(passedVC: self)

class A{
    var workOn = ProblemView()

    func passView(passedVC: ProblemView){
        workOn = passedVC
        // I noticed, if I declare a varible locally like var workOn2 = passedVC, my problem is solved - 
        // but I need the variable globally, because I don't want to pass it around within this class
    func doSth(){
        // here I interact with variables of the passed ViewController

问题: 每当我在应用程序中重新启动此进程时,每次内存都会增加,直到出现内存错误。

我尝试了什么: 我在两个 class 中添加了 deinitclass A 总是取消初始化,但 class ProblemView 不是 (这可能是问题所在?)。 我还发现,当我没有全局声明 workOn 而是在 passView 函数中声明时,它就可以正常工作。但是我需要全局变量,因为我在 A 的许多不同函数中使用它。这个问题的解决方案或解决方法是什么?



weak var workOn: ProblemView?

func passView(passedVC: ProblemView){
    workOn = passedVC
    // I noticed, if I declare a varible locally like var workOn2 = passedVC, my problem is solved - 
    // but I need the variable globally, because I don't want to pass it around within this class
func doSth(){
    // here I interact with variables of the passed ViewController