heapq 是如何解析相等值的?

How does heapq resolve equal values?

来自 Java,我正在尝试在 python 中实现 A* algorithm,但我在对图表中具有相同 f 分数的顶点进行排序时遇到问题。我正在尝试使用 heapq 来这样做,经过一些调试后我注意到如果我想推送一个 f 分数等于堆中其他一些预先存在的顶点的顶点,顺序会被弄乱向上。我现在正在考虑实施自己的优先级队列。我想知道这是如何工作的。


>>> mylist = [1, 2, 5, 4, 3]
>>> heapq.heapify(mylist)
>>> mylist
>>> [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
>>> heapq.heappush(mylist, 1)
>>> mylist
>>> [1, 2, 1, 4, 5, 3]


class Node(object):

def __init__(self, name, x_coordinate, y_coordinate, obstacle_flag=False):
    self.name = name  # possible values should only be ' ', 'A-Z', '*'
    self.coordinates = (x_coordinate, y_coordinate)  # this will uniquely identify the node
    self.obstacle = obstacle_flag  # if the name is '*' the obstacle is set to True
    self.neighbors = {}  # list of neighbors of this node


class Vertex(Node):
def __init__(self, name, x_coordinate, y_coordinate, obstacle_flag):
    super(Vertex, self).__init__(name, x_coordinate, y_coordinate, obstacle_flag)
    self.g_actual_cost = 10000  
    self.h_cost = 0  # the cost given by the heuristic function
    self.previous_vertex = None
    self.total_cost = self.g_actual_cost + self.h_cost

def __lt__(self, other):
    return self.total_cost < other.total_cost

def __eq__(self, other):
    if isinstance(other, Vertex):
        return self.total_cost == other.total_cost
    return NotImplemented


a[i] <= a[2*i + 1]
a[i] <= a[2*i + 2]


>>> heap = [1, 2, 1, 4, 5, 3]
>>> import heapq
>>> heapq.heappop(heap)
>>> heapq.heappop(heap)
>>> heapq.heappop(heap)
>>> heap
[3, 4, 5]

“堆”并不意味着“排序”(如果是,则无法在 O(n) 时间内为任意值构建它)。这意味着它满足堆不变性,对于像 Python 这样的 min-heap,这仅意味着最小值在顶部(如果有平局,则任意值获胜),并且每个节点的 children 总是等于或大于节点。您通过查看索引 2*i+12*i+2 找到索引 i 处节点的 children,因此在您的示例中,将 P 放在每个 parent,并且 C 在他们的每个 children 下,我们有:

[1, 2, 1, 4, 5, 3]
#P  C  C
#0  1  2

[1, 2, 1, 4, 5, 3]
#   P     C  C
#   1     3  4

[1, 2, 1, 4, 5, 3]
#      P        C
#      2        5  (only one child since heap lacks another element)

如您所见,在每种情况下,P 值都小于或等于其所有 children; heap-invariant 得到维护,这是 heappopheappush 等继续工作所必需的。

请注意,对于 objects,例如您的 Vertex class,比较基于一个值,但 objects 具有其他状态,堆不是'稳定;具有相同 total_cost 的两个 objects 可以按任何顺序出现,而不管哪个先放在堆中。为避免此问题,您必须通过“装饰”每个值来添加自己的回退比较。一个简单的方法是:

 from itertools import count

 original_list = [Vertex(...), Vertex(...), ...]  # Define initial list of vertices
 numbermaker = count()
 decorated_list = [(v, next(numbermaker)) for v in original_list]

 # When you want to add new elements:
 heapq.heappush(decorated_list, (Vertex(...), next(numbermaker)))

 # When you want to get the top of the heap's value:
 top = decorated_list[0][0]  # First [0] gets decorated top, second strips decoration

 # When you want to pop off the top:
 top = heapq.heappop(decorated_list)[0]