如何将 "targets in compile" 添加到用 lazy val root = project.in(".") 定义的 SBT 项目中

How to add "targets in compile" to a SBT project which is defined with lazy val root = project.in(".")


lazy val root = project
  .settings( ...


PB.targets in Compile := Seq(
    scalapb.gen(grpc = true) -> (sourceManaged in Compile).value,
    scalapb.zio_grpc.ZioCodeGenerator -> (sourceManaged in Compile).value,

如何将它添加到 lazy val 项目中?


lazy val root = project
    PB.targets in Compile := Seq(
      scalapb.gen(grpc = true) -> (sourceManaged in Compile).value,
      scalapb.zio_grpc.ZioCodeGenerator -> (sourceManaged in Compile).value