运行 共 SQL 服务器查询

Running total SQL Server query

到目前为止,我有以下 SQL Server 2005 查询:

SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR, '2020.11.01', 102) AS d_y_m, CAST('2020-11-01' AS DATETIME) AS dt
SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR, DATEADD(dd, 1, z.dt), 102) AS d_y_m, DATEADD(dd, 1, z.dt)
WHERE DATEADD(dd, 1, z.dt) <= '2020-11-30')
SELECT x.d_y_m, ISNULL(SUM(y.Total), 0) AS [Invoiced], ISNULL(SUM(FEI.Total), 0) AS [Paid] FROM D x
LEFT JOIN Invoices y ON CONVERT(VARCHAR, y.InvoiceDate, 102) = x.d_y_m
LEFT JOIN Payments AS FEI ON CONVERT(VARCHAR, FEI.PaymentDate, 102) = x.d_y_m
GROUP BY x.d_y_m

如何将另一列 (RunningTotal) 添加到查询中,将前一天的(已开票-已付款)结果汇总到今天的结果


d_y_m | Invoiced | Paid | RunningTotal

2020.11.01 | 24 | 5 | 19

2020.11.02 | 45 | 2 | 62

2020.11.03 | 10 | 20 | 52

2020.11.04 | 5 | 0 | 57

2020.11.05 | 0 | 10 | 47


  • 不要使用“随机”table 别名。 D 对于“日期”是有道理的。 y 对于“发票”没有。 d_y_m 也不符合您的日期格式。保持 table 和列别名有意义。
  • 不要在整个解决方案中拖拽日期转换。使用 date 类型的日期值并在最终 select.
  • 中转换值 一次
  • 不要在一个查询中对已开票金额和已付款金额的总和进行分组。如果您在一天内有多个发票或付款,那么金额将不正确!有关解释,请参阅底部的“额外”部分。
  • 让我们轻松为您提供帮助。下次,请提供示例数据,我们可以复制粘贴,而不必自己发明。
  • SQL Server 2005 截至 2016 年 4 月 12 日 officially unsupported。是时候寻找新版本了!


create table Invoices
  InvoiceDate date,
  Total money

insert into Invoices (InvoiceDate, Total) values
('2020-11-01', 20),
('2020-11-01',  4),
('2020-11-02', 40),
('2020-11-02',  5),
('2020-11-03', 10),
('2020-11-04',  3),
('2020-11-04',  2);

create table Payments
  PaymentDate date,
  Total money

insert into Payments (PaymentDate, Total) values
('2020-11-01',  5),
('2020-11-02',  2),
('2020-11-03', 10),
('2020-11-03', 10),
('2020-11-05', 10);


with DateRange as
  select convert(date, '2020-11-01') as DateValue
  union all
  select dateadd(day, 1, dr.DateValue)
  from DateRange dr
  where dr.DateValue < '2020-11-30'
InvoicedTotal as
  select dr.DateValue,
         isnull(sum(i.Total), 0) as Invoiced
  from DateRange dr
  left join Invoices i
    on i.InvoiceDate = dr.DateValue
  group by dr.DateValue
PaidTotal as
  select dr.DateValue,
         isnull(sum(p.Total), 0) as Paid
  from DateRange dr
  left join Payments p
    on p.PaymentDate = dr.DateValue
  group by dr.DateValue
select convert(varchar(10), dr.DateValue, 102) as [YYYY.MM.DD],
       it.Invoiced as [Invoiced],
       sum(it.Invoiced) over(order by it.DateValue
                             rows between unbounded preceding and current row) as [CumInvoiced],
       pt.Paid as [Paid],
       sum(pt.Paid) over(order by pt.DateValue
                         rows between unbounded preceding and current row) as [CumPaid],
       sum(it.Invoiced) over(order by it.DateValue
                             rows between unbounded preceding and current row) -
       sum(pt.Paid) over(order by pt.DateValue
                         rows between unbounded preceding and current row) as [RunningTotal]
from DateRange dr
join InvoicedTotal it
  on it.DateValue = dr.DateValue
join PaidTotal pt
  on pt.DateValue = dr.DateValue
order by dr.DateValue;


仅列出 11 月的 30 行中的前 10 行。

YYYY.MM.DD Invoiced CumInvoiced Paid    CumPaid RunningTotal
---------- -------- ----------- ------- ------- ------------
2020.11.01  24.0000     24.0000  5.0000  5.0000      19.0000
2020.11.02  45.0000     69.0000  2.0000  7.0000      62.0000
2020.11.03  10.0000     79.0000 20.0000 27.0000      52.0000
2020.11.04   5.0000     84.0000  0.0000 27.0000      57.0000
2020.11.05   0.0000     84.0000 10.0000 37.0000      47.0000
2020.11.06   0.0000     84.0000  0.0000 37.0000      47.0000
2020.11.07   0.0000     84.0000  0.0000 37.0000      47.0000
2020.11.08   0.0000     84.0000  0.0000 37.0000      47.0000
2020.11.09   0.0000     84.0000  0.0000 37.0000      47.0000
2020.11.10   0.0000     84.0000  0.0000 37.0000      47.0000

Fiddle 观看实际效果。


使用相同的示例数据,您可以 运行 此查询放大特定日期,此处:2020-11-01。在这一天,样本数据有 2 张发票和 1 笔付款。

with DateRange as
  select '2020-11-01' as DateValue -- filtering data to explain
select dr.DateValue,
       isnull(sum(i.Total), 0) as Invoiced,
       isnull(sum(p.Total), 0) as Paid
from DateRange dr
left join Invoices i
  on i.InvoiceDate = dr.DateValue
left join Payments p
  on p.PaymentDate = dr.DateValue
group by dr.DateValue
order by dr.DateValue;

只要执行连接就会得到下面的结果。由于合并 left join,付款行列出了两次!

dr.DateValue | i.Total | p.Total
------------ | ------- | -------
2020-11-01   |      20 |       5
2020-11-01   |       4 |       5 --> payment row got joined TWICE


group by dr.DateValue | sum(i.Total) | sum(p.Total)
--------------------- | ------------ | ------------
2020-11-01            |           24 |           10 --> last sum is WRONG !

编辑:SQL Server 2005 版本 cross apply。但是还是建议SQL服务器版本更新!

with DateRange as
  select convert(date, '2020-11-01') as DateValue
  union all
  select dateadd(day, 1, dr.DateValue)
  from DateRange dr
  where dr.DateValue < '2020-11-30'
InvoicedTotal as
  select dr.DateValue,
         isnull(sum(i.Total), 0) as Invoiced
  from DateRange dr
  left join Invoices i
    on i.InvoiceDate = dr.DateValue
  group by dr.DateValue
PaidTotal as
  select dr.DateValue,
         isnull(sum(p.Total), 0) as Paid
  from DateRange dr
  left join Payments p
    on p.PaymentDate = dr.DateValue
  group by dr.DateValue
select convert(varchar(10), dr.DateValue, 102) as [YYYY.MM.DD],
       it1.Invoiced as [Invoiced],
       it3.Invoiced as [CumInvoiced],
       pt1.Paid as [Paid],
       pt3.Paid as [CumPaid],
       it3.Invoiced - pt3.Paid as [RunningTotal]
from DateRange dr
join InvoicedTotal it1
  on it1.DateValue = dr.DateValue
join PaidTotal pt1
  on pt1.DateValue = dr.DateValue
cross apply ( select sum(it2.Invoiced) as Invoiced
              from InvoicedTotal it2
              where it2.DateValue <= dr.DateValue ) it3
cross apply ( select sum(pt2.Paid) as Paid
              from PaidTotal pt2
              where pt2.DateValue <= dr.DateValue ) pt3
order by dr.DateValue;

Updated fiddle.