Flutter Navigator 2.0 通过 Navigator() 路由

Flutter Navigator 2.0 Routing via the Navigator()

我目前正在尝试使用新的 Flutter 网络测试版构建网络应用程序。 问题是能够拥有历史记录,处理浏览器中的前进和后退按钮,并能够处理用户输入 URL 新的 Navigator 2.0 API 是必需的(至少从什么开始我明白了)。

目前只有少数资源可用,我正在尝试基于这些资源构建我的 Navigator。 我使用的资源:

我设法让“后退”和“前进”按钮以及历史记录正常工作。但是,我正在努力处理页面切换(在 Navigator() 中)。在 John 的示例中,他管理 Navigator Widget(在 routeDelegater 中)的 'page: ' 数组中的不同站点。这对我来说似乎很奇怪,但我像这样尝试过但它并没有真正起作用(代码进一步向下)

在 'page: []' 中,我首先尝试使用触发的布尔值(如 show404),但这不是很干净,所以我的下一次尝试是按如下方式获取当前页面(在数组中):

if(_currentPage.name == 'pages[0]') pageBuilds[0]

这有点奏效,因为我随后能够输入段 /matchit/0 并加载了正确的页面,但是由于某种原因,“/”路由不再起作用,我得到了错误

Navigator.onGenerateRoute was null, but the route named "/" was referenced 

然后我尝试使用 'ongenerateRoute' 但这只是引发了一堆错误。我有点新,所以也许我在那里做错了什么。但在我看来这不是正确的方法。这就是我目前所处的位置。我不知道下一步该怎么做,希望你们中的一些人能帮助我。

我的 Route-Delegater 如下所示(我也会在代码中包含我的注释,也许它可以帮助一些同样希望了解 Navigator 2.0 的人了解发生了什么):

 * The RouteDelegate defines application specific behavious of how the router
 * learns about changes in the application state and how it responds to them. 
 * It listens to the RouteInformation Parser and the app state and builds the Navigator with
 * the current list of pages (immutable object used to set navigator's history stack).

//ChangeNotifier for the listeners as they are handled there
//The popRoute is handled by 'PopNavigatorRouterDelegateMixin'
class RoutesDelegater extends RouterDelegate<RoutePath>
    with ChangeNotifier, PopNavigatorRouterDelegateMixin<RoutePath> {
  //This is the state of the navigator widget (in build method)
  GlobalKey<NavigatorState> get navigatorKey => GlobalKey<NavigatorState>();
  //RoutesDelegater()  : navigatorKey = GlobalKey<NavigatorState>();
  MyPage _currentPage;
  bool show404 = false; //checks if we show the 404 page

  List<MyPage> pages = [

  List<Page> pageBuilds = [
    MaterialPage(key: ValueKey('Unknown'), child: UnknownScreen()),
    MaterialPage(key: ValueKey('Homepage'), child: MyFirstHomepage()),
    MaterialPage(key: ValueKey('OtherScreen'), child: OtherScreen()),

  //currentConfiguration detects changes in the route information
  //It helps complete the browser history and (IMPORTANT) makes the browser back and forward buttons work

  RoutePath get currentConfiguration {
    if (show404) {
      return RoutePath.unknown();
    if (_currentPage == null) return RoutePath.home();
    //if not 404 or homepage it is some other page
    return RoutePath.details(pages.indexOf(_currentPage));

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Navigator(
        key: navigatorKey,
        pages: //List.of(pageBuilds),
          if (show404)
          else if (_currentPage != null)
        onPopPage: (route, result) {
          if (!route.didPop(result)) {
            return false;
          _currentPage = null;
          show404 = false;
          //we are using Changenotifier
          return true;

  void _handleTapped(MyPage page) {
    _currentPage = page;

  Future<void> setNewRoutePath(RoutePath path) async {
    //Handle the unknown path
    if (path.isUnknown) {
      show404 = true;
      _currentPage = null;

    if (path.isDetailPage) {
      //Check if Path id is valid
      if (path.id.isNegative || path.id > pages.length - 1) {
        show404 = true;
      _currentPage = pages[path.id];
    } else {
      //homepage will be shown
      _currentPage = null;

    show404 = false;

我的 RoutingInformationParser 如下所示:

* The RouteInformationParser takes the RouteInformation from RouteInformationProvider and
* parses it into a user-defined data type.

class MyRoutesInformationParser extends RouteInformationParser<RoutePath> {
  Future<RoutePath> parseRouteInformation(
      RouteInformation routeInformation) async {
    //routeInformation is an object we get from the uri
    final uri = Uri.parse(routeInformation.location);
    // Handle '/' (Home Path)
    //Path segments are the segments seperated by /, if we don't have any we are on Home
    if (uri.pathSegments.length == 0) {
      return RoutePath.home();

    //We have 2, as we have matchit/...
    if (uri.pathSegments.length == 2) {
      //If there is no 'matchit' in the first path segment the path is unknown
      if (uri.pathSegments.first != 'matchit') return RoutePath.unknown();
      //If we now have the correct first segment we can now handle the rest of the segment
      final remaining = uri.pathSegments.elementAt(1);
      final id = int.tryParse(remaining);
      //if it fails we return the unknown path
      if (id == null) return RoutePath.unknown();
      return RoutePath.details(id);

    //Handling the unknown Path, e.g. user just typed anything in uri
    return RoutePath.unknown();

  //THIS IS IMPORTANT: Here we restore the web history
  RouteInformation restoreRouteInformation(RoutePath path) {
    //Here we set the routeInformation which is used above, e.g. /404 for unknown page
    if (path.isUnknown) {
      return RouteInformation(location: '/404');
    if (path.isHomePage) {
      return RouteInformation(location: '/');
    //Any other page is handled here via /matchit/... <= the id of the path
    if (path.isDetailPage) {
      return RouteInformation(location: '/matchit/${path.id}');
    //If none of the paths are hit
    return null;


class RoutePath{
  final int id;
  final bool isUnknown;

      : id = null,
        isUnknown = false;

  //Details means here that it is any other side than Home or unknown
  RoutePath.details(this.id) : isUnknown = false;

      : id = null,
        isUnknown = true;

  //check if is on HomePage or other page, then either == null or != null
  //not needed for isInknown, as when unknown then = true as set above
  bool get isHomePage => id == null;
  bool get isDetailPage => id != null;

最后是我的 Homepage(),其中初始化了 InformationParser 和 Delegater:

class Homepage extends StatefulWidget {
  State<StatefulWidget> createState() => _HomepageState();

class _HomepageState extends State<Homepage> {
  //initialize the RouteDelegater and Information Parser to be unsed further down

  RoutesDelegater _routesDelegater = RoutesDelegater();
  MyRoutesInformationParser _myRoutesInformationParser =

 * Relevant routing information for this build method:
 * We need to use the MaterialApp.router else we can't use routerDelegate and routeInformationParser.
 * Then we define the delegate and Information Parser (they are initiated above)

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp.router(
        title: 'MatchIT',
        routerDelegate: _routesDelegater,
        routeInformationParser: _myRoutesInformationParser,
        theme: ThemeData(primarySwatch: Colors.blue),
        debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false);


我实际上设法通过在 pages[]:

下的 RouteDelegator 中添加另一个在我的 Navigator() 中调用的函数来解决它
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Navigator(
        key: navigatorKey,
        pages: [
          if (show404)
          else if (_currentPage != null)
        onPopPage: (route, result) {
          if (!route.didPop(result)) {
            return false;
          _currentPage = null;
          show404 = false;
          //we are using Changenotifier
          return true;

   * This is where every other site than homepage and 404 is handled
   * to add another site to this application add the name to [List<MyPage> pages]
   * and then add the MaterialPage here

  MaterialPage _getMyPage(MyPage currentPage) {
    if (currentPage.name == 'Login')
      return MaterialPage(key: ValueKey('LoginScreen'), child: OtherScreen());
      return MaterialPage(
          key: ValueKey('ProfileScreen'), child: ResultScreen());


List<MyPage> pages = [

  List<Page> pageBuilds = [
    MaterialPage(key: ValueKey('Unknown'), child: UnknownScreen()),
    MaterialPage(key: ValueKey('Homepage'), child: MyFirstHomepage()),
    MaterialPage(key: ValueKey('LoginScreen'), child: OtherScreen()),
    MaterialPage(key: ValueKey('ProfileScreen'), child: ResultScreen()),